Intentional Interviewing and Counseling: Facilitating Client Development in a Multicultural Society

Allen E. Ivey, Mary Bradford Ivey, Carlos P. Zalaquett

For sale by Clarissa for $80

PSYU3332 HD Summary Notes

High quality summary notes covering all examinable lecture and practical topics Lectures (1) Norms...

46 pages, 17136 words

HD notes PSYU3332 Principles of Psychological Assessment

Comprehensive notes for FINAL EXAM Week 8 Ethical issues in the use of psychological assessmen...

17 pages, 8500 words


Covers All Material For Final Exam (Excluding Readings). Notes are citations, notes, recaps and word...

42 pages, 9913 words

PSYC332 - Great Notes

Detailed notes on all lectures as well as notes on all the tutorials assessed in the final exam (tut...

80 pages, 26455 words

Psy332 Final Exam Notes

PSY332 Final exam notes which includes lectures 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13.

19 pages, 3499 words


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Hello! I finished my Bachelor of Psychology and have received admission into my Honours year at...


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Highly experienced tutor. Currently finishing my PhD at UNSW. I have been tutoring and lecturing for...


When I did this unit it was the last time it was offered in this form. Tutorials are pretty fun and engaging but the assessment task is marked brutally. Good luck trying to get an HD if they decide to use the same task for future assessments.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024

This is such a meh subject. To be honest, if you are aiming for honours then you can bank some good marks here. The half yearly exam is something I wish I did better on because it was 20% and the questions were relatively easy. The report was marked savagely. Only 3% got a HD and 12% got D. Meaning only 15% overall got the required mark you need for honours. A lot of us had to pick up slack for the final exam. Hint hint - do the tutorial work! This literally made up half of the final. Lorna if a professional lecturer. Comparatively from all the NINE units you have to do, you will probably forget this one, but make sure you do well because stats will most likely destroy your WAM.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

I found this unit stressful. The first half is stats heavy and in my opinion did not prepare you particularly well for the assignment, which is marked savagely. Ironically the instructions are so detailed and specific that there is no opportunity or credit given for critical analysis or original thought. DO NOT DEVIATE from the instructions and make sure you have a friend familiar with APA proofread your work. If you make just one tiny APA error or omission from the two rubrics and 1 hour lecture instructions, your mark will dive from Outstanding (HD) to Proficient (pass). It can be as simple as a missing comma. Use the word SIGNIFICANT repeatedly, even if you think it must be assumed or is utter overkill. The references the Convenor supplied contained minor APA errors that could catch you out. Many students challenged their grades and were awarded 5-15 more marks. Fortunately, the second half of semester is far more interesting and provided a practical emphasis on Personality and Intelligence testing. The final exam afforded the opportunity to catch up valuable marks lost in the first half of semester.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019

I really enjoyed this unit! The convener genuinely cared about how we did and about keeping marking fair. There were some administrative issues when it came to the assignment, but they were handled well by the convener and worked out ok. The tutorials are extremely important because they provide new content that is assessable in the exam, but they are generally interesting and encourage engagement with the content, which is helpful for learning. The content is important whether you want to go down the clinical route or into research, but it's not as tough as stats. A nice change from the stress of a lot of other psych units!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019

This subject is pretty dry, though I was impressed by how hard the convener worked to keep mark’s fair across the group.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

For me personally I found it a very neutral subject - I didn’t love it or hate it. I thought the tutorials were good, very laid-back. There is some statistics in the first half but nowhere near as difficult as PSY248, and also no calculations in the final exam. The unit convenor seems very nice and caring, and puts a lot of effort in with the students.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

Ended up quite enjoying the topic! Lecturer/content is far more interesting than 2nd year stats course.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

Very good and fun subject

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2011