International Human Rights Law

Daniel Moeckli, Sangeeta Shah, David John Harris, Sandesh Sivakumaran

For sale by Lucia for $30

International Human Rights Law

Olivier De Schutter

For sale by Maddie for $55

International Human Rights Law

Daniel Moeckli, Sangeeta Shah, David John Harris, Sandesh Sivakumaran

For sale by Martin for $40

International Human Rights Law

Olivier De Schutter

For sale by Martin for $40

International Human Rights Law

Olivier De Schutter

For sale by Priyanshee for $65

International Human Rights Law

Daniel Moeckli, Sangeeta Shah, David John Harris, Sandesh Sivakumaran

For sale by Sami for $45

International Human Rights Law

Daniel Moeckli, Sangeeta Shah, David John Harris, Sandesh Sivakumaran

For sale by Keeley for $50

International Human Rights Law

Olivier De Schutter

For sale by Keeley for $50

International Human Rights Law

Daniel Moeckli, Sangeeta Shah, Sandesh Sivakumaran, David Harris

For sale by Anjali for $45

LAWS519 Distinction Grade- International Human Rights Law - Lecture & reading notes

Very thorough and detailed notes at a Distinction level. Covers all lectures and set readings from w...

150 pages, 64885 words


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Interesting and easy subject. The tutor Danielle is very nice. Lectures are 2 hours long so put in on fast forward when watching it online. Carolyn Adams voice can be irritating. The course is taught from a very leftist, feminist, pro-gay, bottom up approach. While I did expect this, as it's a human rights subject, it is nevertheless difficult to sometimes sit through lectures talking about gay rights and if you disagree with these views you feel super judged. It takes as given that same-sex marriage is a human right which is controversial. The final exam essay question was on transgendered people and gender re-affirmation surgery which I think was also a questionable and contentious topic as many people disagree with these kinds of things. Final exam is 8 hours long, so plenty of time to complete the task. It also means you don't really need to study before the exam as you have time in the exam to consult your textbook and notes. This was useful for me, as it left more time to prepare for other exams. The essay is 2000 words, so make sure you consult a wide range of resources and focus on clear language and a strong thesis. this subject requires minimal revision throughout the semester as the midsemester essay normally focuses on one topic and the final exam is 8 hours long!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018