For sale by Matthew for $65

HD 87 + (92.5% in Law Reform Submission) Comprehensive LAW109 Course Notes

Comprehensive and well explained final exam notes for LAW109 created from a range of resources: lect...

66 pages, 21032 words

Crminal Justice and procedure notes

TOPICS INCLUDE: Criminal Law Problem Solving Principles of Criminal Responsibility Summary offenc...

28 pages, 9155 words


$35 per hour

Highly experienced tutor. Currently finishing my PhD at UNSW. I have been tutoring and lecturing for...


$25 per hour

I am an experienced tutor specialising in exam preparation, online assessments, and I'm also a writi...


$25 per hour

** University Medallist ** Award Winning Tutor ** Funny, Relaxed and Approachable Hello! I'm Jan...


$25 per hour

PhD scholarship holder || Casual Tutor/Lecturer || Award-winning teacher || Crazy Dog Lover Total...


$30 per hour

## First session FREE ## PhD Candidate + Scholarship Recipient || Award-Winning Tutor || Exam Pre...


$20 per hour

Test Prep, Assignment Assistance, Essay Planning, Proofreading I look forward to taking on privat...


Assignments are very time consuming and require a lot of research. However the content itself is quite easy to understand. You can do well in the subject easily provided you leave enough time for each assignment and follow all instructions carefully.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015

An intense work load unit. Assignments require quite a bit of time but provided you allow yourself enough time are achievable. Assignments teach very useful skills that can be applied in other units.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015

The assessments in this subject are so unbalanced. There's so much work to do for each assessment, but the marks for them are not significant (apart from the final book chapter). Start every assignment really early, don't bother with the rambling lectures and wasteful tutes. Just focus on the stupidly long assessments which just test research skills. Answer every question. This is the worst 'Law' unit I have done so far.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014

Stupidest subject. You can literally skip all the lectures, and tutorials, just make sure you do your assessment tasks correctly. The unit IMO is very unorganised, and taught very poorly. When it comes to assessments, just answer the question and you'll get the marks. Don't worry about sounding smart, don't worry about formatting, and don't worry if you sound dumb. Does it answer the question? Then Great, 10/10. You have to do most of the work yourself. I never attended a single lecture, and went to about 2 tutorials, and behold I have achieved a HD. IMO a blessing of a subject; takes up no actual uni time, no final exam, just have to answer questions.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2015

Criminal Law and Procedures may seem like an easy subject, but believe it is not. If you don't keep up with the workload which is a lot since there are no word limits on the assignment; it can easily creep up on you.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2013

This unit is hard due to the sheer amount of research required. If you can try to do it in a semester where you do not have any other law units. It is worth it though, by the end of semester you will be a research whiz kid. Also attempt every research questions, they are quite generous with the marks, especially for first few tasks and it will take pressure off for book chapter at the end.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014

Provided you do the work in this subject, you can do well. They give you an indication of what they want, but you will have to put in a lot of time. They severely underestimated how long the first task would take - so start early, because those questions will take more than 2 hours each. If you do this though, they will reward you with the marks. Lectures are very entertaining - worth going to!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2014