
Douglas J. Futuyma

For sale by L for $8

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Why don't you list yours first?
Sell your notes for BIOL2210


$60 per hour

Hey there! I'm a postgraduate student, who completed a Bachelor of Science at Macquarie University...


I enjoyed this unit somewhat. Though they say you need a lab coat for every practical, I only used mine once or twice. Despite that, the labs were fun and interactive. Some students struggled with the major assessment, but you just have to follow the rubric very closely; I noticed many students asking questions with no reply from the unit convenor. Each lecture has 2-3 questions that you have to answer in the weekly lecture quiz, which I found easy as they give you plenty of time (and the questions beforehand). Sometimes the weekly lecture and practical quizzes felt like a bit too much, but nonetheless, it was alright.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022