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Authors: Catherine Hungerford, Richard Clancy, Donna Hodgson, Tony Jones
1 month agoAuthors: Rob White, Lecturer Department of Criminology Santina Perrone, Santina Perrone
1 month agoAuthors: American Psychiatric Association
1 month agoAuthors: Judy Taylor, David Wilkinson, Brian Cheers
1 month agoAuthors: Ian O'Connor, Deborah Setterlund, Jill Wilson
1 month agoAuthors: Crawford, Karin
1 month agoAuthors: Gabrielle Appleby, Alexander Reilly, Laura Grenfell
2 months agoAuthors: John V. Gooley, Peter Radan, Ilija Vickovich
2 months agoAuthors: John V. Gooley, Peter Radan, Ilija Vickovich
2 months agoAuthors: Carter, J
2 months agoAuthors: Jeannie Marie Paterson, Andrew Robertson, Arlen Duke
2 months agoAuthors: Butler, D
2 months agoAuthors: Dr. Graham Meadows, Bruce Singh, Margaret Grigg
3 months agoAuthors: Christine Morley, Selma Macfarlane, Phillip Ablett
3 months agoAuthors: Lesley Chenoweth, Donna McAuliffe
3 months agoAuthors: Gabrielle Appleby, Alexander Reilly, Laura Grenfell
8 months agoLPAB textbooks by subject area: