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- 125 Law textbooks at JCU
The latest second hand law textbooks listed at JCU:
Authors: William Loutit Morison, Prue Vines, Helen Grant, Penelope Watson
4 years agoAuthors: Stephen G. Corones, Nigel Stobbs, Mark Thomas
4 years agoAuthors: ROBIN ET AL. CREYKE, David Hamer, Patrick John O'Mara, Belinda Smith, Taylor. Tristan
4 years agoAuthors: RUSSELL V. MILLER
4 years agoAuthors: Gabrielle Appleby, Alexander Reilly, Laura Grenfell
4 years agoAuthors: Catriona Cook, Robin Creyke, Robert Geddes, David Hamer, Tristan S. Taylor, Geoff Pryor
4 years agoAuthors: ROBIN ET AL. CREYKE, David Hamer, Patrick John O'Mara, Belinda Smith, Taylor. Tristan
5 years agoAuthors: Gabrielle Appleby, Alexander Reilly, Laura Grenfell
5 years agoAuthors: Eric Colvin, John McKechnie, Jodie O'Leary
5 years agoAuthors: Nichola Corbett-Jarvis, Brendan Grigg
5 years agoAuthors: Gabrielle Appleby, Alexander Reilly, Laura Grenfell
5 years agoJCU textbooks by subject area: