JCU Arts Textbooks
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- 92 Arts textbooks at JCU
The latest second hand arts textbooks listed at JCU:
Authors: Burke, Heather;Smith, Claire
4 months agoAuthors: Thomas Gilovich, Dacher Keltner, Serena Chen & Richard E. Nisbett
4 months agoAuthors: Allen Ivey, Mary Ivey, Carlos Zalaquett
1 year agoAuthors: Lesley Chenoweth, Donna McAuliffe
1 year agoAuthors: Dennis Howitt, Duncan Cramer
2 years agoAuthors: John McCormick, Rod Hague, Martin Harrop
2 years agoAuthors: Carol K. Sigelman, Linda De George, Kimberley Cunial, Elizabeth A. Rider
2 years agoAuthors: Robert Van Krieken, Daphne Habibis, Philip Smith, Brett Hutchins, Greg Martin, Karl Maton
4 years agoAuthors: Michele Hoffnung, Robert J Hoffnung, Alison Hine, Kelvin L Seifert, Cat Pausé, Lynn Ward, Karen Swabey, Roasane Burton Smith, Karen Yates
4 years agoJCU textbooks by subject area: