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Authors: Abigail A. Fagan, J. David Hawkins, Richard F. Catalano
2 years agoAuthors: Kerry Taylor, Pauline Thompson Guerin
2 years agoAuthors: John Daly, Sandra Speedy, Debra Jackson
2 years agoAuthors: Tracy Levett-Jones
2 years agoAuthors: Joanne Tollefson, Elspeth Hillman
2 years agoAuthors: Catherine Althaus, Glyn Davis, Peter Bridgman
2 years agoAuthors: Saroja Selvanathan, E. Antony Selvanathan, Prabha Selvanathan
2 years agoAuthors: Rob White, Fiona Haines, Nicole Asquith
2 years agoAuthors: Hennessey Hayes, Tim Prenzler
2 years agoAuthors: Christine P. Dancey, John Reidy
2 years agoAuthors: Dennis Howitt
2 years agoAuthors: Saroja Selvanathan, E. Antony Selvanathan, Prabha Selvanathan
2 years agoGriffith textbooks by subject area: