Ethics and Law for the Health Professions

Ian H. Kerridge, Michael Lowe, Cameron Stewart

For sale by Tiffani for $50

2805NRS Summary Notes and Assessment Tips

This comprehensive summary includes all 8 Modules of content (all the way from the Australian Legal...

57 pages, 12482 words

Legal and Ethical Principles in Healthcare Week 1-12 (Whole Semester) Notes

Comprehensive notes for Legal and Ethical Principles in Healthcare. Includes notes for all content f...

20 pages, 20 words

Course notes - 2805

A comprehensive set of notes outlining: (MODULES, LECTURES, TEXTBOOK) 1: law/AUS legal system *(al...

29 pages, 12917 words


$30 per hour

Hi! My name is Rosa, and I am a casual lecturer and PhD candidate. I've been tutoring for over 10 ye...


The first half was horrible. The assignment was confusing, people were still asking about some of the questions the day of its due date. One question wasn't even grammatically correct and made no sense. The teacher for the first half wasted so much time going through pre tutorial questions twice and getting us to do useless activities that had no relevance but was to teach about "accepting other people's opinions and ideas" like we're in high school. The teacher for the second half was much much better and I began enjoying the classes a lot more and he was very very helpful. Our average for the assignment was roughly 62%... which either tells you something about the markers or the assignment or the teacher.....

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020

the convener of this course is without a doubt the most unprofessional lecturer I've ever seen. She is very rude & very irresponsible.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

the problem with this course is that there are hundreds of students enrolled and the convener divert the marking of assessment items to some utterly under qualified people who mostly have never marked a single assessment. fresh bachelor graduates get to decide what grade you get in this course and most of them have no clue, overall a disaster

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018