For sale by Ashleigh for $70

2022 Law Torts 2 Exam Notes

2022LAW Torts 2 condensed exam notes, with contents page perfect for quick reference.

31 pages, 9949 words

2022LAW Torts 2

Includes notes from weeks: Week 4 - Negligence Week 5 – Breach of Duty Week 6 - Causation Week...

98 pages, 27946 words

Torts 2 Notes

Corrective Justice Introduction to Disability Jurisprudence (Kanter, Bloom and Miller) Critiqu...

46 pages, 15613 words


$30 per hour

Hi! My name is Rosa, and I am a casual lecturer and PhD candidate. I've been tutoring for over 10 ye...


Interesting yet complex are of law. Assignment a tonne of work but once broken down & explained is manageable but get on top of it early! Clear expectations

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016

This class was easily the best subject I have done. The work was throughly explained and every class was engaging.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015

I enjoyed this class. The topics taught in this class was explained thoroughly and was easy to understand. I highly recommend to go to the workshops as they assist on how to write your exam answers, giving you examples and tips. I overall enjoyed this class. I loved doing the assignment and going to the lectures. The lecturer always managed to keep the class engaging.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015