Equity and Trusts

Michael Evans (LL. B.)

For sale by Angus for $79

Property, Equity and Trusts Exam Notes (Credit)

Areas covered: - Express trusts (assignment; declaratory; directory) - Resulting trusts - Constru...

10 pages, 2768 words

HD PET Notes

Covers all PET topics in great detail so you can use this as a study guide throughout the semester....

30 pages, 11809 words

Property, equity, trusts exam notes

Good notes with additional documentation of relevant pages in the text book. Goes through: Expre...

20 pages, 7254 words

PET Exam notes

Examples of answers All the content in order needed for exam answers Other handy tips

50 pages, 9432 words

Property Equity and Trusts Exam Guide

Going through all fundamental aspects of property, equity and trusts including case references

34 pages, 9392 words

PET Exam Notes

Covers all topics discussed, as well as assignment content needed for the exam

47 pages, 12120 words

Prop, equity, trusts - Full topic and exam revision notes

This is a comprehensive set of notes that covers every topic discussed in LLAW2214. It has case ref...

43 pages, 10641 words


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Hi, I’m a Flinders University graduate, achieving a Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice (With Distin...
