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HD Lifespan nutrition summary table

Summary chart of physiological and nutrient needs, nutrient concerns and food strategies for: - foe...

9 pages, 1404 words

HSN202 Complete study notes

Finished the unit with a score of 92. Every week's topic covered in detail: - nutritional assess...

22 pages, 6912 words

HSN202 - Lifespan Nutrition

This document contains all content covered in weeks 1-10 of HSN202, summarised in an easy to follow...

140 pages, 50469 words

HSN202 Lifespan Nutrition Exam Notes

Summary of notes from weeks 1-11 of lectures and seminars. Helpful for exam preparation as includes...

26 pages, 7431 words

HSN202 Lifespan Nutrition Table Summary Notes

My study notes are in a table form with the headings: Lifespan, Physiological needs, Nutrient needs,...

10 pages, 3073 words

HSN202 Lifespan Nutrition Notes

My study notes are a mixture from lectures, readings and the study guide covering the learning objec...

65 pages, 17974 words


$45 per hour

Do you want to achieve better scores for your assessment tasks and/or exams? As a student, it can...


$35 per hour

Hello! I am a Nutrition Science (Hons) Graduate waiting to do my PhD. First-year undergraduate Unive...


$40 per hour

Master of Dietetics student
