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Very high quality and comprehensive CPEP notes. Features include: - statutory tests broken down into tables, with easy explanations and case examples - 'method of approach' tables to break down steps in applying principles and tests to factual scenarios - for rules of evidence, default position is clearly outlined, followed by exceptions - relevant legislation extracted in text boxes - important cases briefed in tables (outlining facts, issue, held) - other cases described succinctly in discursive text - key words bolded to allow for easy skimming in an exam - important policy points and dissenting opinions included - recent 2018 cases included - ACLG style headings - level 1 and level 2 headings included in page headers for ease of reference Topics include: - Principles and Process - Adversarialism and Proof - The Witness in the Box and Witness Questioning - The Accused in Court - Relevance - Discretionary and Mandatory Exclusions - Credibility and Character - Hearsay - Tendency and Coincidence - Opinion Evidence - Hearsay Evidence - Identification Evidence - Warnings and Directions


Semester 2, 2018

121 pages

20,298 words



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