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If you want to easily get a H1 for ANAT30008 and a score above 90, then these are the notes for you! The notes are written in a concise, dot point manner which is perfect for rote learning. Notes are written in a concise manner so it doesn’t feel like you’re reading a textbook. The topics that the notes cover are: -The Autonomic nervous system -Thorax -Abdomen -Pelvis -Head (Ear nose throat and the eye) All information in the notes are from the lecture slides, as well as additional information from the recommended textbook when the lecture slides weren't helpful. Notes are organised in a manner that is logical and easy to follow- this is extremely helpful as some lecturers in the course (the pelvis ) go all over the place in one lecture! After buying these cheap notes, you will spend no time writing notes, and all of your time memorising and consolidating your anatomy knowledge! I've done all of the hard work for you, so get that easy H1!


Semester 2, 2018

112 pages

40,103 words



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UniMelb, Parkville

Member since

July 2019