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These are well-condensed but detailed notes on each topic to help prepare for final exams and complement your study for Financial Metrics for Decision Making at University of Technology Sydney. The following notes contain diagrams and information to help clearly understand Financial Metrics for Decision Making 25624 and includes notes from all lectures, tutorials and THE TEXTBOOK. Specifically, the following topics are covered: Week 1 – Descriptive Analysis Week 2 – Predictive Analysis Week 3 – Quantifying Rewards and Uncertainty Week 4 – Correlation and Diversification Week 5 – Hypothesis Testing Week 6 – Modelling Week 7 – Stimulation and Optimisation Week 8 – Does Beta Provide a Good Estimate of Realised Return Week 9 – Multiple Linear Regression Week 10 – Multiple Linear Regression and Causal Analysis Week 11 – Multiple Linear Regression and Prediction Week 12 – Revision Note: The sample notes contain approximately 10% of the complete notes.


Summer session, 2020

31 pages

3,349 words



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