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Pretty arduous really, you'll get better at research I guess but the assignments take waaaayyy too much time if you do them properly. Also, group work :(. Main redeeming quality is that there is no exam.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021

it sucks

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021

Honestly just a really boring and useless unit. Lectures were recorded but attendance was taken???? Very nice tactic to make students show up to lectures. The $60 online textbook isn't worth it, I'd recommend someone buying it and splitting the cost with others.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019

This unit is kind of a mess. Firstly, you have no examinations so there is no motivation to watch any lectures (which are quite dry and mainly discuss engineering practices and case studies). The lectures were pre-recorded this semester and were honestly of little importance to our assignments. Secondly, you can get a guaranteed 32% by simply showing up to all the workshops and answering the reflections for each one (so do that if you want to pass). And finally, the assignments are quite poor. This semester's cohort had to write two reports, one individual and one in a group. As mentioned there is little guidance on how you should write your report, and your best bet is the marking key. The group report can be a catastrophe if you get teamed up with the wrong people. As the unit demands professional-level quality reports, usually the onus is on the few students that actually care about their grades to make sure everyone else is writing formally, citing their work appropriately and keeping up to date with the project. Realistically, nobody does work on the project until the last few weeks because that's just how group projects go. I highly recommend any newcomers to this unit to be proactive in group discussion and working on your projects as early as possible.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

the biggest waste of time ever, it just makes you waste 2 hours doing nothing in compulsory workshops every week. Stopped watching the lectures in week 2 since they are useless. The individual project was a nightmare with no guidance on how to write a report. Only redeemable thing about this unit is that it doesn’t have an exam and you can get away with minimum effort.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

the biggest waste of time ever, it just makes you waste 2 hours doing nothing in compulsory workshops every week. Stopped watching the lectures in week 2 since they are useless. The individual project was a nightmare with no guidance on how to write a report. Only redeemable thing about this unit is that it doesn’t have an exam and you can get away with minimum effort.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

Deserves 0 stars, one of the worst units ever created. Completely useless and designed to take your money and time.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020

if i could give it 0 stars i would. Its compulsory so get it over with as quickly as possible. Do it in first year when you dont know any better. If its still possible to do it online or in person, do it in person. Trust me. BUT you wont fail, it will just tank your wam. But honestly the sooner they scrap this ridiculous unit the better. Also dont buy the textbook. if noones told you this yet, never buy a textbook until like week 6 when you figure out if you really need it, also any textbooks marked as "compulsory" are avaliable at the library usually.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020

Surely the worst and most useless unit I've ever taken. If it's not compulsory, don't ever take it. The course structure isn't well-organised and teaches you no useful skill to be an engineer. It isn't worth the tuition fee and your time with boring facilitators. If you're lucky you'll have good teammates and the only thing you'll get from the unit is some friends; otherwise you'll have 12 weeks in hell with a group of people staring at one another. The lectures are not relevant to the projects and the workshops and you have to work everything out by yourself. Writing reports without any criteria or format and what to expect is the worst experience. It makes you stay up til 4am under lots of pressure in the first semester of first year and still get a low grade without any feedback. The text book is a waste of money and you won't need it, even you don't read it you'll be fine, except when the facilitator checks your note and come up with a random attendance mark.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019

I dropped engineering after taking this unit. Not only did it make me lose my interest in my course, but it ruined my first semester at uni. How can you expect first year uni students to write personal reflections on where they want to be and what skills they need to acquire to get there, when they've just come out of high school and have no idea what the hell is going on. The entire unit is just group projects which are extremely frustrating unless you have a genius in your group who can do everything. Everyone is apathetic and bored which makes it much harder to do well, and the main group project is worth 50% which is just ridiculous. They expect detailed technical reports but don't actually teach you any thing to help you in this unit. The lectures were boring and included no relevant content. They also con you into buying a $65 online textbook which is garbage and you'll never use again. I learnt more in this unit from one of the mature age students in my second group project than i did from the unit coordinator and my facilitator. Coupled with the other terrible first and second year engineering units, you're guaranteed to have a terrible experience. Good luck

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019