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pretty easy and low workload unit. he yaps in the lectures a bit but its okay. some readings were super long but its easy to just pick out the answers instead of reading the whole thing. quizzes were decently easy but you may be short on time. group assignment isn't bad if you have good members who do their work. no final exam which was great.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2024

A let-down. There was some interesting stuff, but also a lot of repetition from other units. It was frustrating to have to sit there and have things like utility maximisation and simple externalities reexplained at a glacial place. The whole assessment is multi choice which was easy but made it a bit mind-numbing. The tutes were discussing straightforward articles from The Conversation, which were then assessed in the quizzes, but you really had to read through the articles right before the quiz as some of the questions on them were impossibly specific. Would not recommend.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019

Amazing unit. Content is straight forward and easy to understand, in-class tests are also pretty simple. We were given a pretty clear 'hint' about what would be in the midsemester so that was easy. Final exam was 25 MCQ, and they were not even difficult. Easiest HD ever, does not seem like a third year unit.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018