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This unit teach us about Work Health and Safety in the workplace. The first part was about Occupational Health and Safety issues which was taught by Nicole. The content was not too difficult but heavy memorizing. Her marking is very nice both in lab and case study assignment. Matthew was the second lecturer for dangerous goods classes and fire safety part along with some guidance for writing lab report. His marking is very harsh, especially for the lab. The guidance for writing lab report was not clear enough. The marking and feedback for the first lab report took quite a lot of time and not all students have received it for the second lab. Moreover, it only discuss the lab report for synthetic chemistry part, not physical chemistry part. The last lecturer was Iyer covering nanotoxicology and polymer part. He is clear on explaining the content. There were two guest lecturers about Worksafe which was quite interesting and another one from the lawyer in work health and safety area which was terrible. The laboratory was not great enough and I did not enjoy them much. The final exam was easy for Nicole and Iyer's part, but Matthew's part was very tricky as the question types were various and not everyone familiar with it and it was the most time-consuming part during the exam. The unit coordinator, Matthew, was too busy, so he did not give enough feedback and attention to the students. It is better if either Nicole or Iyer was the unit coordinator, and Matthew need to be evaluated.