Tasmanian Arts Society (TARTS)

Apart from a delicious and blissful pastry, this also happens to be the name of the greatest student faculty based society ever created. Literally. We wouldn't lie about that. If you study the riches of Arts and/or: 1. Listen to bands that you'd jumped on before they were even releasing music 2. Wear Ray Ban sunglasses with clear or lenses (hey, it's not like us to discriminate) 3. Constantly defend your degree as being a "real one". 4. Wear a beret to class. 5. Drink wine from boxes (although, preferably straight from 4 litres of silver fun). 6. Question the lecturer about Kafka. 7. Fear soap and hygiene in general. 8. Just generally love the fact that you are an Arts student. ..then get around this society! We will keep you updated on student life and social events. We will show you where it's at, how to get there, what to bring and just exactly what "it" is. Furthermore, we will provide you with an assortment of opportunities to meet bangin' individuals over a few beverages because, let's face it, that's how we roll. We are the means to the end that is you becoming a winner. A winner of not only UTas, but a true winner and dominant individual through this rewarding journey that is life. 2018 Committee... President: Lily Westbrook Vice President: Felix Craig Treasurer: Ella Hilder Secretary: Steph Palmer

