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The latest second hand business textbooks listed at USYD:
Authors: Gary M. Armstrong, Stewart Adam, Sara Marion Denize, Philip Kotler
4 years agoAuthors: Charles W. L. Hill, Thomas Cronk, Rumintha Wickramasekera
4 years agoAuthors: John V. Thill, Courtland L. Bovee
4 years agoAuthors: John Hull, Sirimon Treepongkaruna, David Colwell, Richard Heaney, David Pitt
4 years agoAuthors: Marlon Dumas, Marcello La Rosa, Jan Mendling, Hajo Reijers
4 years agoAuthors: Gary M. Armstrong, Stewart Adam, Sara Marion Denize, Philip Kotler
4 years agoAuthors: Scott Henderson, Graham Peirson, Kathy Herbohn, Tracy Artiach, Bryan Howieson
4 years agoAuthors: Ben Bernanke, Nilss Olekalns, Robert H. Frank
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