- Uni. of Sydney
- Subjects
- Law
- 4,221 USYD Law textbooks
- 71 USYD Law tutors
- 679 USYD Law ratings and reviews
Latest activity on Law subjects at Uni. of Sydney...
Interesting and well taught
5 years ago
Interesting and well taught
5 years ago
I found that they didn't explain the foundational/basic topics very well, particularly for the prope...
5 years ago
Interesting, but as its one of the introductory law subjects it would have been good to have a littl...
5 years ago
Really loved this unit, even though I didn't expect to. The teaching was amazing-- really engaging a...
5 years ago
One of the best taught and most interesting subjects in the law school- I genuinely loved it
5 years ago
The course might be good if you're interested in the material, but I found the lecturers and tutors...
5 years ago
As an international student, this subject is mandatory.
5 years ago
This unit of study provides a foundation core for the study of law. The aim is to provide a practica...
5 years ago
This is a general introductory unit of study concerned with liability for civil wrongs, with particu...
5 years ago
This is a compulsory unit taught on a pass/fail basis. The aim of the unit is to introduce students...
5 years ago
This unit of study aims to introduce students to civil and criminal procedure. It is concerned with...
5 years ago
just simple and amazing
5 years ago
Contract law provides the legal background for transactions involving the supply of goods and servic...
5 years ago
A dense and highly complex area of law, but it is rewarding when it all comes together at the end of...
5 years ago
Loved this subject, the content was great but the exam was tough!
5 years ago
I have taught so many students in this subject and I think that is why it seems pretty simple to me
5 years ago
If you're lucky enough to be taught by Prof Gerangelos, prepare yourself for one of the best units o...
5 years ago
This subject is definitely useful for legal practice and paralegal work etc. However the majority of...
6 years ago
I did corporations law in Summer School 2019. Dr. Fady Aoun was an excellent lecturer and he made th...
6 years ago
Just more torts and contracts. The assessment regime is somewhat better balanced than e.g. LAWS1023....
6 years ago
very difficult
6 years ago
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