Second Opinion

Germov, John

For sale by Sarah Margeretta for $40

HSBH1003 Full Notes Di

HSBH1003 Full Notes organised according to topic, subtopic and syllabus point. Both Psychology and S...

57 pages, 20000 words

HSBH1003 Notes (High Distinction)

Detailed notes that combine lecture, tutorial, and the required textbook for the course. Diagrams ar...

62 pages, 18700 words

Weeks 1-12 inclusive

Week 1: Introduction of Psychology and Sociology Weeks 2-6: Sociology content Weeks 7-12: Psycholo...

42 pages, 9815 words

HSBH1003 Health, Behaviour and Society Notes

Very detailed notes that will help you get an HD

35 pages, 19837 words


$80 per hour

Hello I’m Naz! Graduated Bachelor of Health Science (Nutrition and Dietetic Medicine) in 2020....
