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Authors: Michael Madigan
3 months agoAuthors: Michael J. Benton, David A. T. Harper
3 months agoAuthors: Humphrey P. Rang, James M. Ritter, Rod J. Flower, Graeme Henderson
3 months agoAuthors: Franklin, Kirsten
3 months agoAuthors: Allan Blackman, Steven E. Bottle, Siegbert Schmid, Mauro Mocerino, Uta Wille
3 months agoAuthors: John A. Thomas
3 months agoAuthors: Danny Samson, Richard L. Daft
3 months agoAuthors: Harold Luntz, David Hambly, Kylie Burns, Joachim Dietrich, Neil Foster, Genevieve Grant, Sirko Harder
3 months agoAuthors: Joshua D. Angrist, Jörn-Steffen Pischke
3 months agoAuthors: A. Colin Cameron and Pravin K. Trivedi
3 months agoAuthors: Associate Professor in the Stout Research Centre for New Zealand Studies Anna Green, Kathleen Troup, Associate in the School of Historical and Philosophical Studies Kathleen Troup
3 months agoAuthors: Thomas F. Oltmanns, Robert E Emery
3 months agoAuthors: Shirley Carlon, Rosina McAlpine, Chrisann Lee, Lorena Mitrione, Ngaire Kirk, Lily Wong
3 months agoUQ textbooks by subject area: