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Authors: Loftus, Janice
7 years agoAuthors: Pamela Hanrahan, Pamela & Ramsay Hanrahan (Ian & Stapledon, Geof), Ian Ramsay
7 years agoAuthors: Voet, Donald
7 years agoAuthors: Pearson Education Australia
7 years agoAuthors: Scott Lillienfled, Steven J. Lynn, Laura L. Namy, Nancy J. Woolf, Graham Jamieson, Anthony Marks, Tony Marks, Virginia Slaughter, Alex Main
7 years agoAuthors: Gerald Corey
7 years agoAuthors: Wicks-Nelson, Israel*
7 years agoAuthors: Smyth, M
7 years agoAuthors: John Asafu-Adjaye, Nazim Khan, Phillip Edwards, Nelson Perera, Mark Harris
7 years agoAuthors: Robert C. Juvinall, Kurt M. Marshek
7 years agoAuthors: Curtis F. Gerald, Patrick O. Wheatley
7 years agoUQ textbooks by subject area: