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3 years agoAuthors: DEREK. MANNING HAYLOCK (RALPH.)
3 years agoAuthors: Lorraine M. Huxley, Margaret Walter
3 years agoAuthors: Richard W. Hill, Gordon A. Wyse, Margaret Anderson
3 years agoAuthors: Colville, Thomas
3 years agoAuthors: McCracken, Thomas O.
4 years agoAuthors: Hue Hwa Au Yong, Nigel Morkel-Kingsbury, Michael Dempsey, James Murray
4 years agoAuthors: Scott Lillienfled, Steven J. Lynn, Laura L. Namy, Nancy J. Woolf, Graham Jamieson, Anthony Marks, Tony Marks, Virginia Slaughter, Alex Main
4 years agoAuthors: Stephen P. Robbins, Tim Judge, Bruce Millett, Maree Boyle
4 years agoAuthors: Frederic Martini, William C. Ober
4 years agoAuthors: Frederic Martini, William C. Ober
4 years agoAuthors: Kathleen Rose-Grippa, Mary Jo Gorney-Moreno, Geri LoBiondo-Wood, Judith Haber, Carey Berry, Jennifer Yost
4 years agoUQ textbooks by subject area: