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The latest second hand business textbooks listed at UQ:
Authors: Kenneth Thomas Trotman, Michael Gibbins
9 years agoAuthors: Juchau, Roger
9 years agoAuthors: John Asafu-Adjaye, Nazim Khan, Phillip Edwards, Nelson Perera, Mark Harris
9 years agoAuthors: Atrill, Peter et al
10 years agoAuthors: Kotler & Armstrong (compiled by Alastiar Tombs and Owen Seamons)
10 years agoAuthors: Atrill, Peter et al
10 years agoAuthors: Kenneth Thomas Trotman, Michael Gibbins
10 years agoAuthors: Taylor, John
10 years agoAuthors: Taylor, John
10 years agoAuthors: Hermann Frick & Robert Ferguson
10 years agoAuthors: Peter Jones, Andrew Lockwood
10 years agoAuthors: Pearson (Herman Frick/Robert Ferguson) - Atrill, McLaney, Rajan, Harvey, Jenner)
10 years agoAuthors: Phillip Kotler, Linden Brown, Sue Burton, Ken Deans and Gary Armstrong
11 years agoAuthors: Dennis R. Briscoe, Randall S. Schuler and Lisbeth Claus
11 years agoAuthors: Orville C. Walker Jr., John I. Gountas, Felix T. Mavondo and John W. Mullins
11 years agoAuthors: Mark Bary, Peter Waring and Rae Cooper
11 years agoAuthors: Charles W. L. Hill
11 years agoAuthors: Baltzan, Phillips, Lynch, Blakey
11 years agoUQ textbooks by subject area: