Advanced Theory and Practice in Science
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$30 per hour
## First session FREE ## PhD Candidate + Scholarship Recipient || Award-Winning Tutor || Exam Pre...
$28 per hour
I'm a PhD candidate who loves to tutor and help my students ACE their assessments! Message me today...
$30 per hour
Hi! I'm Kelly, your personal tutor. I am a Deans Scholar, and currently in my penultimate year of my...
$45 per hour
I am Rakshi Anuja Dinesh pursuing a Master of Biotechnology at UQ and have been tutoring for over 4...
$45 per hour
I am currently pursuing a Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) with a focus on Physics and Applied...
Once it was clear what was needed for this course, it became a lot easier to study! It’s not about the specific examples but about the problem-solving approach and the techniques that are taught.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017
Great introduction to a more scientific way of thinking with the contact classes further extending thought provoking discussion in scie1000 lectures.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
Despite at first maybe seeming irrelevant to the technical component of your degree, this course really sets you up in a scientific framework of thinking and develops your problem solving and coding skills to be able to succeed in whatever major. At the time of my taking the course, the "advanced" course component involved an extra contact session a week where we would often discuss a more advanced ethical issue in science. The equal emphasis in this course on technical skills and the ability to think critically and communicate develop the essential skills for good science. Besides this, the course is genuinely interesting, so you'll want to engage with it.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016
A relatively interesting and fun course. Besides the intuitive contents in SCIE1000, the extra contact class allows you to develop even greater thinking skills and get to know stuffs that you'll rarely have a chance to think about.