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There's a lot of assumed knowledge on saddles / etc which I never came across in my prior maths subjects. I felt like a lot of the concepts were not properly explained as the lecturer jumps between topics instead of one lecture = one topic. I think the Markov Chain Monte-Carlo lectures were the worst as he just goes through the code without explaining it in one coherent lecture - or says midway in the lecture; just refer to the "typed up notes". There's no exams only assignments. Anyways, I was disappointed at how this subject was taught. I posted on the discussion chat asking for support but it seems like the explanations were rather superficial and I just got brushed off instead. This course was supposed to be taught as external but it seems they demand you to go to on-campus practicals (which weren't mentioned prior enrolling to course). Other maths courses summarise content with an explanation but this lecturer rants on and on in the lectures instead. I do not recommend taking this course.