I'm a Monash student studying Science.


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Started uni
Hello, my name is Shreya. I graduated 2023 from Monash University with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in Criminology. As a tutor, my approach is to guide you through your questions and help you discover the answers on your own. This method provides a rewarding learning experience and equips you with the skills to navigate similar challenges independently in the future. I can help with: - Concept Clarification: Assisting you in understanding complex concepts you might struggle with. - Assessment Planning: Helping you develop a structured plan for your assessments to ensure you meet all requirements effectively. - Resource Identification: Teaching you how to identify high-quality resource papers for your studies. - Assessment Review: Double-check your assessments for grammatical errors, logical flow, and overall coherence. - Referencing Guidance: Instructing you on proper referencing techniques to enhance the credibility of your work. I offer fully online tutoring sessions and am available on weekends to accommodate your schedule. Let's work together to achieve your academic goals.

