• 3,518 Newcastle subjects
  • 589 Newcastle subject ratings

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This subject is pretty difficult, if you do it make sure you keep up with each week! Textbook is n...

4 years ago


Basic intro course that will set you up for more challenging subjects at uni, easy to complete well...

5 years ago


This class did the impossible, made accounting fun! Math is not a strong point for me but this call...

5 years ago


This subject is so heavily reliant on the textbook and student led group-work it's insane. It was a...

5 years ago


An enjoyable course with lots of outdoor field time and a focus on using your field work for educati...

5 years ago


There is a ton of work in this course, which is continually piled on each week, so it can be hard to...

5 years ago


Such an interesting course - well taught!

5 years ago


An informative course that is a good basis future environmental studies. Can be hard to keep up with...

5 years ago


A course with a great tutor and that is easy to get through if you practice and keep up with the onl...

5 years ago


Keep on top of weekly work and attend tutorials and you will do well. Alistair is a fantastic tutor.

5 years ago


It's okay. Tutor disorganised. The end goal is to creat a host of characters and world build for a v...

5 years ago


Nice tutors. If you dont have art experience this course can be a learning curve but the teachers ar...

5 years ago


Lovely tutors. Lots of field work and you learn about botanical and animal field illustration. Final...

5 years ago


This course was very boring. It had hardly any subject matter. However, I do recommend taking this c...

5 years ago


One of the worst courses I've ever taken. Lecturer was rude and did not engage with students well at...

5 years ago


Was sceptical at first about this unit, but I ended up loving it and learning a lot information I pr...

5 years ago


This course was very engaging, and my tutorial leader ensured everyone felt able to participate and...

5 years ago


This was an interesting course to undertake, however since it was designed for the 4th year level, r...

5 years ago


Very difficult subject to undertake as a 2nd year student since the course is designed for 4th years...

5 years ago


Loved this course. Meg was great. Content was interesting. The tests were easy if you studied. FIlry...

5 years ago


Lectures were long and somewhat dry but the content was interesting. tutorials were not much help

5 years ago


Super interesting, and links really well to other POLI/IR courses at UON.

5 years ago


Course was really interesting and engaging, but very content heavy (and heavily history focused).

5 years ago


Mostly anatomy based

5 years ago

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