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Latest activity on Business subjects at The Uni. of Newcastle...


The blended learning was terrible and the teacher was horrible at explaining, and her writing was ha...

7 years ago


Lecturer Dave Savage is a dick. He talks about himself and drugs too much, and spends very little ti...

7 years ago


Stay on top of work and you will do fine. Its not as hard as the lecturer and tutors make out it is....

7 years ago


The flipped workshop mode at Callaghan is terrible! We learnt very little the whole semester. Kym Co...

7 years ago


It was a very difficult subject and had only just been made a workshop course. Not well done as you...

7 years ago


Great course, very interesting and fun. But you must keep up and ask for help when needed, as some o...

7 years ago


I really enjoyed this subject. It was well done and was fun. As long as you keep up with the content...

7 years ago


Very enjoyable. My tutor was very lovely and they give you the exam question before so you have time...

8 years ago


Worst subject I have ever done, the tutor ben clearly did not eant to be there and marked harshly be...

8 years ago


Very easy subject, make sure you do all of your weekly tasks plus contribute to your group work and...

8 years ago


Make sure you understand each lecture. The exam is open book, but it is currently the hardest exam I...

8 years ago


I did ACFI1001 with Marcus Rodrigs, he is the best lecturer I've had in 3 years at uni. He made the...

8 years ago


This subject is so easy! Keep up with the work and contribute to your group and you can easily pass...

8 years ago


I found this subject tedious. The lecturer was great but no one finished the final exam as it took u...

8 years ago


The lecturer Dr Savage is great! He is funny and I feel sorry for anyone who comes in late or leaves...

8 years ago


Marcus is amazing at what he does! His teaching method is great and he really does put in the time a...

8 years ago


Flipped classroom mode is horrible without enough time to take in content, practice and then come ba...

8 years ago


Great subject, my favourite so far. I went to PASS sessions and they helped loads in regards to stud...

8 years ago


The lecturers were good, but the tutorials didn't really match with the lectures at all. Very little...

8 years ago


I enjoyed this subject well. The lectures were well taught and the tutorials were directly linked. T...

8 years ago


The lecture likes to go on long and annoying tangents on things not in the lecture notes. My tutor K...

8 years ago


The course structure was all over the place and with no textbook available students had to rely on c...

8 years ago


The course was comprehensive and support from staff was good.

8 years ago


Great subject as it helps develop critical thinking skills. Other than that, it makes decision makin...

8 years ago

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