Perth campus Change campus
17,698 members at Murdoch Uni.
ShinyOrangeBee - 6 years ago
On Perth campus

Who's studying what?

LoudAzureHorse - 1 day ago

Cyber Security

FierceMaroonHippo - 4 months ago

early and primary education

NewVioletBuffalo - 4 months ago

Engineer 👷🏻‍♂️

SlowPinkHamster - 4 months ago

Graphic Design. Wishing I could edit my avatar…

PickyLimePig - 5 months ago


SpookyLilacLadybug - 10 months ago


HairyGoldBoar - 11 months ago

Criminology and Psychology (crime science)

PassionateAquaElephant - 1 year ago

Bs in information technology (computer science)

ColorfulPinkHamster - 1 year ago

Agricultural science

DangerousMaroonHedgehog - 1 year ago


PeacefulMikadoMonkey - 1 year ago

Secondary Teaching & Japanese

SmallGoldOwl - 2 years ago

On track lol

HotNavyHen - 2 years ago

I don’t even go to this uni

NiceSlatePuma - 2 years ago

Criminology and psychology

SpikeyAzureReindeer - 4 years ago


GrumpyPinkHedgehog - 4 years ago

Exercise physiology

ProudBrownCamel - 4 years ago

Computer Science, with Games and Software Development and Production

StubbornMikadoSheep - 4 years ago

Creative media and communications

NimbleCrimsonSnake - 4 years ago

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

SoftHeliotropeReindeer - 5 years ago

Agricultural and environmental science

MerrySapphireSnake - 5 years ago

Theatre and Drama

RichSapphireSheep - 5 years ago

Pfftt I'm 'majoring' in Social-osophy Work-ology.... (I'm finally fitting in!) 👀

FancyVioletCroc - 5 years ago

Community development

SassyVioletHippo - 5 years ago

Criminology, Forensic biology and toxicology

CalmSlateGiraffe - 5 years ago

Exercise and sport science

SnazzyBronzeGoat - 5 years ago

OnTrack, going to study Psychology & Philosophy

StubbornBronzeBadger - 5 years ago


MachoAquaBuffalo - 5 years ago

Sound :)

DeadlyGreenElephant - 5 years ago

Computer Science :)

LazyHarlequinDuck - 5 years ago

Biomed + IAAD

CharmingGoldCamel - 5 years ago

Forensic and Biomedical

PickyYellowDeer - 5 years ago

Computer Science and Games Tech

MachoEmeraldDeer - 5 years ago

Psychology and criminology

DaringLimeZebra - 5 years ago

Early Childhood and Primary Education....

KindSlateTiger - 5 years ago

Primary Education & health/phys ED 📚

CleverAzureBee - 5 years ago

Computer Science and Games Technology

BrainySlateWolf - 5 years ago

Sustainable development and community development

BossyMikadoKoala - 6 years ago

Oh okay, yeah I guess it can just depend on the lecturer or what course you’re doing also

CraftyIndigoHedgehog - 6 years ago

That’s sad, I hope they have a better time semester 2. I am doing computer science and haven’t had any problems so far...

BossyMikadoKoala - 6 years ago

Hm that’s fair, I just know someone that’s doing a Law program and they haven’t had a positive outcome, so wondering on others perspective

CraftyIndigoHedgehog - 6 years ago

I like Murdoch. I would suggest other people go here but I haven’t gone to another uni so I have nothing to compare it to.

BossyMikadoKoala - 6 years ago

Do you all genuinely enjoy Murdoch? Like you’d suggest people to go there or only if they have no other options?

GracefulRoseBee - 6 years ago

It and com

PeacefulTurqoiseOctopus - 6 years ago


CleverAzureBee - 6 years ago

OnTrack, will do either psychology or games design next semester

NocturnalGreyBuffalo - 6 years ago

Law and arts( have advanced standing for some art units)

SuperbCoralSquirrel - 6 years ago

OnTrack. 🙄 I want to do psychology next semester tho.

FastGoldSnail - 6 years ago

Psychology and Criminology (crime science)

PeacefulTurqoiseOctopus - 6 years ago


ShinyOrangeBee - 6 years ago

Haha yea i feel ya NocturnalCrimsonBunny

TameSilverWolf - 6 years ago

Haha StubbornHarlequinDonkey. I have been here since 2013 😣. I love learning but it gets a bit much sometimes 😂

ShinyOrangeBee - 6 years ago

Haha NocturnalCrimsonBunny, you dont sounds extremely thrilled 😜

TameSilverWolf - 6 years ago

Education 🙄

FancyVioletPig - 6 years ago

Hi, I'm studying lab med and gene & molecular bio

MerryTealParrot - 6 years ago

English and Creative Writing with a minor in Journalism

BrilliantRoseOctopus - 6 years ago

Forensic and molecular biology

CuriousTealHamster - 6 years ago


BrilliantBlueCow - 6 years ago

Forensic biology and toxicology

FruityEmeraldFox - 6 years ago

Law and philosophy

DangerousAquaHen - 6 years ago

Psychology and philosophy

BossyCoralWalrus - 6 years ago

Conservation and Wildlife Biology, Ecosystem Management and Plant Biology.

ShinyOrangeBee - 6 years ago

I'm Studying Games Technology and Computer Science 😋

SoberTealMonkey - 6 years ago

Marine biology

KindTanBee - 6 years ago

Games Technology

ShinySlateGiraffe - 6 years ago


KindPinkGoat - 6 years ago


FancyBronzeBear - 6 years ago

Business and governance

LazyMaroonMonkey - 6 years ago

Animal science and health

LoudGreenPuppy - 6 years ago

English and Philosophy, wbu

CraftyIndigoHedgehog - 6 years ago

Computer science

ShyBronzePig - 3 months ago
On Perth campus

Where is the loft??

ShyBronzePig - 3 months ago

I mean what building is it located in????

JuicySlateKoala - 4 months ago
On Perth campus


JuicySlateKoala - 4 months ago
On Perth campus

Best coffee?

ViciousHarlequinDonkey - 4 months ago
On Perth campus

Does anyone know where 490.2.020 is?

SlowPinkHamster - 4 months ago
On Perth campus


NoisyMikadoZebra - 6 months ago
On Perth campus


SnazzySilverOctopus - 6 months ago
On Perth campus

Vending machine

YummyMaroonFrog - 7 months ago
On Perth campus


MachoLimeWalrus - 10 months ago
On Perth campus


SlowChartreuseDonkey - 8 months ago


FruityCrimsonPig - 9 months ago

Great good. Amazing service.

YummyOrangeOwl - 11 months ago
On Perth campus


AmbitiousMikadoSquirrel - 11 months ago
On Perth campus


AmbitiousMikadoSquirrel - 11 months ago
On Perth campus

Engineering technology

HairyGoldBoar - 11 months ago
On Perth campus

Who’s doing criminology and psychology???

CleverAzureBee - 1 year ago
On Perth campus

Fellas Does anyone actually use this

NoisyRoseFrog - 1 year ago
On Perth campus

Studying Photography and Graphic Design!

StrongCoralReindeer - 1 year ago
On Perth campus


ItchyTurqoiseWolf - 1 year ago
On Perth campus

Studying marketing

NakedGoldGiraffe - 1 year ago
On Perth campus


WittyPinkRhino - 1 year ago
On Perth campus


ResplendentEmeraldSnail - 1 year ago
On Perth campus

Studying Counselling

YoungChartreuseFox - 1 year ago
On Perth campus

Found it!

NakedLimeHedgehog - 1 year ago
On Perth campus


BashfulChartreuseBear - 1 year ago
On Perth campus

Master of Information Technology

DangerousMaroonHedgehog - 1 year ago
On Perth campus

hey guys where’s the library?

IcyCrimsonHen - 1 year ago
On Perth campus


FluffyPinkDog - 1 year ago
On Perth campus


SoberGreenLadybug - 2 years ago
On Perth campus


SmallGoldOwl - 2 years ago


FluffyCoralOctopus - 2 years ago
On Perth campus

Coffee is needed today!

ColorfulLimePuma - 2 years ago
On Perth campus

What up gang gang

FancyGreenTiger - 2 years ago
On Perth campus


YummyVioletCat - 2 years ago
On Perth campus


NocturnalBronzeDeer - 2 years ago
On Perth campus


SoberGreyElephant - 2 years ago
On Perth campus

I wonder if any of my murdoch friends will see this ha ha ha ha ha

CheekyRubyBoar - 2 years ago
On Perth campus


CalmGreyHedgehog - 2 years ago
On Perth campus


JoyfulSapphireLadybug - 4 years ago
On Perth campus

Dose orientation week begin at the same time for everyone? If so do we know when

MerryHeliotropeCow - 3 years ago

Wait nvm 15th - 16th is online and 17th is on campus

MerryHeliotropeCow - 3 years ago

Oh? I thought it begins on the 15th

CleverAzureBee - 4 years ago

It begins the 17th.

JollyRosePenguin - 2 years ago
On Perth campus


AmbitiousCrimsonZebra - 2 years ago
On Perth campus


CuddlyMaroonTiger - 5 years ago
On Perth campus

Hey guys, when they say studying externally does that mean they email you the assignments and you email the finished assignment back?

CraftyIndigoHedgehog - 4 years ago

It’s all done through the lms. You access assignments and submit them the same as you would as an internal student

CuddlyMaroonTiger - 5 years ago

Thank you

CleverAzureBee - 2 years ago
On Perth campus

Does anyone know anywhere on campus that has good ramen thanks

FiercePurpleSheep - 2 years ago
On Perth campus


HappyRubyCamel - 3 years ago
On Perth campus

Is anyone doing bachelor of Communications???

CleverAzureBee - 3 years ago
On Perth campus

Apple bottom jeans

HappyRubyCamel - 3 years ago

Shawty got low low low low low low low

CleverAzureBee - 3 years ago

Next thing you know

SmallTanOctopus - 3 years ago

She hit the floor

CleverAzureBee - 3 years ago

The whole club was looking at her

SmallTanOctopus - 3 years ago

Boots with the fur

CraftyIndigoHedgehog - 3 years ago
On Perth campus

Quick tip - check if your textbooks are available to download from library genesis before you buy them

CleverAzureBee - 3 years ago
On Perth campus

where is all the campus culture :(

SmallTanOctopus - 3 years ago

I honestly don't know

AgileCyanCamel - 3 years ago
On Perth campus

Hey everyone! :)

MachoChartreuseKoala - 3 years ago
On Perth campus

Is anyone doing early childhood and primary teaching?

HairyIndigoBear - 3 years ago

I’m planning on doing it next year

HairyIndigoBear - 3 years ago
On Perth campus


LovingVioletOwl - 3 years ago
On Perth campus

Hihi, if anyone here is doing GAD at Murdoch, definitely come join the Murdoch GAD Server

AmbitiousHarlequinSnake - 3 years ago
On Perth campus

hiiiii ☃️☃️☃️

QuirkyAzureHamster - 3 years ago
On Perth campus


FeistyTurqoiseHippo - 3 years ago
On Perth campus

How do you find your class

PickyTealCroc - 3 years ago
On Perth campus

hi is anyone doing cod125 or art 101?

CandidGoldGoat - 3 years ago
On Perth campus


ViciousGreenPenguin - 3 years ago
On Perth campus

anyone doing primary sport teaching ?

MachoIndigoRam - 3 years ago
On Perth campus


ClumsyRosePuma - 3 years ago

Such a friendly environment, great atmosphere, welcoming staff and student vibe 🙂

CuteCeriseBadger - 3 years ago
On Perth campus

Hey all

CheekySilverKoala - 3 years ago
On Perth campus

Hi anyone a staff here?

ShortBronzePenguin - 3 years ago
On Perth campus

the crm219 quiz actual aids

BeautifulCrimsonPig - 4 years ago
On Perth campus

Does anyone know if the Murdoch Dance club is still running?

WarmGoldLadybug - 3 years ago

.m NMi

HangryBrownPanda - 3 years ago

Omg id like to join

ProudMikadoBunny - 3 years ago
On Perth campus


CuriousMaroonFox - 3 years ago
On Perth campus

Hiya am new

BeautifulCrimsonPig - 3 years ago

Hey there !

HangryBrownPanda - 3 years ago
On Perth campus

Hi there

BeautifulCrimsonPig - 3 years ago

Hey :)

ProudBrownCamel - 4 years ago
On Perth campus

With the additional $45k incentive for ppl who want to build a house in WA, many are contacting my dad (a building consultant). 🏠 If u refer someone who wants to build a house to me. You will receive 💵$3k when they start building. 👌 My mobile is 0417 976 121. 📱 We have a facebook page and website (Bayanihan Property Team) 😁Just call/ msg me for more information or if you have someone who wants to build. Don’t miss out on an easy $3,000 👍

ProudBrownCamel - 4 years ago
On Perth campus

yo lads, bit of an ad. but with what’s going on, thought i’d give out the opportunity:

ShortBronzePenguin - 4 years ago
On Perth campus

someone help with the crm202 assignment omg

ShortBronzePenguin - 4 years ago
On Perth campus

Anyone doing crm202 this sem, hows the quiz

SoftNavyTiger - 4 years ago
On Perth campus

Anyone who did CHE140 and CHE144, which of the two should I do first?

StubbornBronzeBadger - 4 years ago

CHE140 is for individuals scoring below 50% previously in chemistry studies or have not done chemistry before. CHE144 is for individuals who scored 50% or higher previously in chemistry and are not required to do CHE140. For CHE140, once completed they are able to do CHE144.

PickyEmeraldKangaroo - 4 years ago
On Perth campus

Are there any places on campus that have dumplings ??

FeistyLilacMonkey - 4 years ago
On Perth campus


WarmOrangeHamster - 4 years ago
On Perth campus

Forensic biology and toxicology

SourEmeraldMouse - 4 years ago
On Perth campus

Finance and business law 🤗

AgileSapphireTiger - 4 years ago
On Perth campus

Is anyone else having problems accessing the LMS??

ShortBronzePenguin - 4 years ago
On Perth campus

Anyone wanna be my friend pls ty x

VividCoralBunny - 4 years ago
On Perth campus


CleverAzureBee - 4 years ago


CleverAzureBee - 4 years ago


LovableSilverKoala - 4 years ago
On Perth campus

Anyone doing business and law 1st year murdoch?

HumbleJadeFrog - 4 years ago
On Perth campus

Anyone else doing Ontrack?

AgileSapphireTiger - 4 years ago


SoftNavyTiger - 4 years ago
On Perth campus

Anyone know if we can use ebooks in class instead of paperback books?

SoftNavyTiger - 4 years ago


CraftyIndigoHedgehog - 4 years ago

You should be fine using an ebook

AgileSapphireTiger - 4 years ago
On Perth campus

How do I join the diving club?

PeacefulPurpleHen - 4 years ago
On Perth campus

Anyone going to Global studies A for O week?

CleverAzureBee - 4 years ago
On Perth campus

What’s everyone’s favourite colour?

SmartRedSquirrel - 4 years ago
On Perth campus

What’s the best clubs to join in Murdoch?

CleverAzureBee - 4 years ago

Depends what you’re interested in. It’s a good idea to join clubs related to your degree such as the Murdoch Law Society (I think that’s what it’s called). If you’re into music there’s a Murdoch Rockers club and a Kanye West club. If you’re into gaming there’s the e sports club and they have a lot of events.

NakedSilverCow - 4 years ago
On Perth campus

Hey is the Perth Murdoch campus the one In Murdoch? Stupid question ik I'm just confused :)

CraftyIndigoHedgehog - 4 years ago

Yeah, it is

SmartRedSquirrel - 4 years ago
On Perth campus

What’s the best clubs to join in Murdoch?

CalmNavyKoala - 4 years ago
On Perth campus

Hey guys, wanna earn extra cash by doing surveys in your spare time? You can join qmee. It's a legit site/app I already cashed out twice via paypal. If you join under my referral link, we both get 50 cents. Let me know if you signed up :3

ShinyCoralDuck - 4 years ago
On Perth campus

Lmao is it bad that I don’t have friends lol

ShortBronzePenguin - 4 years ago

Dude same

ResplendentMikadoRhino - 4 years ago

This does not exist anymore. It has changed to Bang Bang Specialty coffee

BeautifulCrimsonPig - 4 years ago
On Perth campus

Hey! Does anyone know any places for international students to get part time jobs ?

SleepySlatePig - 4 years ago

Any fast food place

SleepySlatePig - 4 years ago
On Perth campus

Are there acai bowls (smoothie bowls) on campus??

FruityCrimsonBunny - 4 years ago
On Perth campus


ProudMagentaGoat - 4 years ago
On Perth campus


ProudMagentaGoat - 4 years ago
On Perth campus


ShortBronzePenguin - 4 years ago
On Perth campus

So this PSY294 quiz coming up on Monday, is it hard?? For those who did it the Monday that just gone

SmallSlatePuma - 4 years ago
On Perth campus


MischievousYellowGiraffe - 4 years ago
On Perth campus


MischievousYellowGiraffe - 4 years ago
On Perth campus


NimbleRedHedgehog - 4 years ago
On Perth campus

meowwww i love uni

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