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PSY2031 notes: developmental and biological psychology

- Weeks 1-11 as week 12 (masterclass) not examinable - Based on lectures and textbook readings -...

49 pages, 16100 words


$70 per hour

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Really interesting subject. However, the lectures are a bit wishy-washy content wise, and neglect the content of the readings. You will need to extra work to stay on top of the content for the exam.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2015

Interesting content but a lot to remember - especially if students have not completed VCE psychology. I did not find the exam representative of the semester's content.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014

I really enjoyed the developmental psychology component of this subject as the subject matter was very interesting and covered a wide range of content. There was quite a lot to remember but an achievable amount if you consult the textbook as well as the lecture notes. Unfortunately the end of semester exam was not entirely representative of the content throughout the course.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014

Unit was enjoyable, however the end of semester exam was not entirely representative of the content throughout the course.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014

The subject matter for this unit was very interesting and covered quite a wide area. There was an awful lot to try and remember for the exam though... My lab tutor was pretty bad at explaining things which made it difficult when trying to write the lab report.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014

This unit was really interesting as it integrated biology with psychology. To those that are not fans of biology, neither am I, this unit only taps into the biological aspects, that is all. However there are many key terms that you are required to learn. Also if your aim is to receive a HD, then I advise you to read the textbook as that combined with lectures is the key to success. The exam is not a concern as it was multiple choice and difficulty was moderate.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014