Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology

John E. Hall

For sale by Eva for $100

PHY3111 Exam Notes

Comprehensive notes formulated from both lecture materials and textbook readings. Notes are set out...

30 pages, 15983 words

PHY3111 Lecture/Exam HD Notes

My notes are a comprehensive combination of both lecture content, allowing me to get a HD for the su...

44 pages, 12976 words


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I have never been more disappointed and embarrassed at a subject at monash in my whole university life. I am currently a third year science student and have never witness such a faliure of teaching in my life. PHY3111 thinks teaching involves purchasing an expensive and overprice textbook and reading it. Assessments are poorly organised. When you ask a question, you receive vague answers in return. Worst unit ever.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

A poorly organised unit with poor communication between the conveyors of the content. No lecture style teaching with significant amounts of reading from a textbook, is that even science? The content however is applicable to life as you can test it well reading the text, hence it is rather interesting.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016