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HD Introduction to Family Law Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes for Introduction to Family LAW4177. These my comprehensive lecture notes from LAW417...

127 pages, 38762 words

LAW4177 Introduction to Family Law HD (85) Exam/Semester Notes

This unit was completed over Summer Semester A in 2023. I achieved a HD (85) for this unit with t...

21 pages, 8565 words


Completed this unit over summer. Achieved a HD (81), these notes were the reason why I was able to a...

63 pages, 18480 words

Family Law Exam Notes

Here are the exam notes I made for Family Law in Summer A 2017! They include all the topics that we...

65 pages, 24137 words

Family Law Comprehensive notes

Great Comprehensive Family Law notes complete with case summaries, summaries of relevant legislation...

49 pages, 24331 words

LAW4177 Introduction to Family Law HD Exam Notes

HD Family Law Exam Notes, used for the in-semester assessment and take-home final exam. Includes all...

108 pages, 40876 words

LAW4177 - Family Law Exam Structure Notes

- The templates are structured and easy to follow (start with 'Introduction', go through step 1, ste...

29 pages, 9312 words

HD Family Law case notes and guide

Extensive family law notes - includes case summaries, relevant sections of Family Law Act and an eas...

84 pages, 36799 words

HD Family Law Exam Notes

HD exam notes for the Monash family law unit. Includes a table of contents, summaries of every case...

74 pages, 66655 words

HD Exam Notes - Intro to Family Law

comprehensive exam notes

59 pages, 21608 words


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