Equities And Investment Analysis
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View all BFC3241 notesInvestments (BFC3241) cheat sheet
This cheat sheet enabled me to score a HD mark for the Investments unit. It covers all examinable to...
13 pages, 7987 words
HD (89) BFC3241 Exam Notes
Topics Covered: - Market Efficiency II - Behavioural Finance - Investment Vehicles 1: Passive Inv...
10 pages, 6043 words
- Condensed and detailed notes for weeks 1 to 12 - Perfect use for reference when it comes to cram...
34 pages, 22781 words
HD (87) BFC3241 - Equities & Investment Analysis Notes
- Simple, in depth notes with explanations and diagrams - Includes definitions and equations - C...
37 pages, 10395 words
BFC3241- Equities and Investment Analysis: The Complete Guide
Are you looking to get a head start on Equities and Investment Analysis? Or maybe you've fallen be...
178 pages, 43623 words
BFC3241: Equities and Investment Analysis Notes
Notes on all topics covered throughout the semester. The notes are detailed but also brief, so as to...
15 pages, 11918 words
Become a tutor for BFC3241Celine
$40 per hour
I am third year majoring Finance at Monash University. I can tutor from home or University whichev...
Arseny is a great and really patient lecturer! He explained every concept very carefully and was easy to understand. Although his exercises are a bit tricky, this is still a very great unit.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023
An interesting unit with an average teaching approach. Moderately content-heavy, if you do the work can be an easy HD.