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$50 per hour

I am a dedicated and knowledgeable tutor committed to helping students achieve their academic and pe...


I really enjoyed this subject. This semester assignments consisted of 1) completing online lessons on moodle that you could easily skip through to get full marks, 2) making a portfolio (fun, simple and easy if you put in some time) and 3) creating an innovation to a problem (this is in a group). So long as your group actually talks to you in assignment three, you should be able to score pretty well and not do much work. Highly recommend. PLUS Felix was a great tutor/lecturer.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022

Easy subject, going well until....teamwork assignment with people who barely talk. Worst part is unit work goes up till week 14!!!!! Say goodbye to your swotvac time. And if you're in third year honors applications also close right at that time.... I'm so tired.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021