• 4,189 LaTrobe subjects
  • 545 LaTrobe subject ratings

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In this subject students are introduced to the steps involved in designing and creating a software s...

6 years ago


In this subject you will learn, in a collaborative interprofessional team, to develop your understan...

6 years ago


This subject provides students with an introduction to the legal system in Australia and its core in...

6 years ago


his subject provides an introduction to selected fundamental legal issues in relation to corporate b...

6 years ago


Actually completed in Summer 2 2019. This subject is so interesting, well taught and there is such a...

6 years ago


An easy subject, as long as you do the readings. Don't underestimate the quizzes though.

6 years ago


Really good subject if you are interested in writing and watching movies. Plenty of feedback provide...

6 years ago


A completely different filming subject that has you working with a crazy amount of people. So much f...

6 years ago


Lectures are super informative and you are actually learning a lot. In tutorials, you have to be mot...

6 years ago


The filming part (second half of the semester) is amazing. The acting part (first half) depends on t...

6 years ago


I recommend this subject 100%. Challenging, but rewarding. You learn so much.

6 years ago


Easy Subject. Clear understanding, but not challenging

6 years ago


Amazing subject! Actually getting an insight of the film industry and actively working with cameras...

6 years ago


Too much theory for a drama subject. Confusing layout and teaching of the subject

6 years ago


Big variety of different techniques used in the industry and plenty of help provided

6 years ago


The tutors are hard markers and there is not a clear structure of the subject.

6 years ago


It looks easy but it contains a lot of information about accounting standards that accounting studen...

6 years ago


Tough but interesting subjects. An easily digest legal course that provides general legal inplicatio...

6 years ago


It's one of the most interesting units I undertook. It seems to be very difficult for most of the st...

6 years ago


very informative about different types of media writing, including newspaper and creative writing. V...

6 years ago


Run by one person who is very cluttered and unorganised. The assignments were fun though

6 years ago


extremely interesting subject, but full of a LOT of content. You learn about a lot of criminal offen...

6 years ago


Is a difficult subject to understand at first and they kind of expect you to just understand the con...

6 years ago


If you don't have to do this subject, don't!! It is the worst! I had no help whatsoever when I asked...

6 years ago

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