Melbourne (Bundoora) campus Change campus
101,619 members at La Trobe
SoberBrownPenguin - 1 week ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus


TamePurpleKoala - 1 week ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Wsg gng

SweetCyanOctopus - 2 weeks ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Where are your favourite study spots? I am struggling to find one, the library is just not working for me.

AmbitiousAmberMonkey - 2 weeks ago

I'd like to know other people's ideas too! ^^

AmbitiousAmberMonkey - 2 weeks ago

There's some study spots in TLC, but sometimes there's a lot of people around xD

AmbitiousAmberMonkey - 1 month ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus


AmbitiousAmberMonkey - 2 weeks ago

That's actually pretty interesting! Never knew that. Although I don't go to any lab buildings xD

NakedCyanGoat - 1 month ago

No bc every building I walked into was so hot this week

AdorableBrownGoat - 1 month ago

Buildings with any type of lab in them will be kept to approximately 25 celsius, which is standard lab temperature. That’ll explain it if you’re in a science building.

AmbitiousAmberMonkey - 1 month ago


AmbitiousAmberMonkey - 1 month ago


AmbitiousAmberMonkey - 1 month ago


LoudGoldRhino - 1 month ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Need a time spent girl in uni

StubbornAmberBoar - 1 month ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus


BraveCyanPenguin - 1 month ago


CalmYellowPig - 1 month ago


StubbornAmberBoar - 1 month ago

why am i a boar i feel humiliated

FastTurqoiseGoat - 1 month ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus


ShinyLilacParrot - 1 month ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

does HS1 have any microwaves?

KindTurqoiseLadybug - 1 month ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus


IcyEmeraldPanda - 5 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

is it just me that still has no friends 🥲🙁

FastEmeraldPuma - 1 month ago

Same for me🥲

FerociousAzureGoat - 2 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Hi! Any student can use library at anytime?

GracefulPinkMonkey - 1 month ago


CalmGoldBoar - 1 month ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus


MischievousNavyCroc - 1 month ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus


LoudGoldRhino - 1 month ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus


ViciousHeliotropeBuffalo - 1 month ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus


NocturnalTurqoiseSheep - 1 month ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus


TinyCeriseKoala - 1 month ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus


FastMaroonGoat - 1 month ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus


FastMaroonGoat - 1 month ago


ItchyGoldHen - 1 month ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Mata kakka barai.

PassionateVioletLion - 2 years ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus


SoggyLilacZebra - 2 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus


QuickCyanKoala - 7 months ago

Hi has this been locked off? Went there today and it seems to be closed

SpookyJadeDuck - 2 months ago

Just google “Islam La trobe”

SpookyJadeDuck - 2 months ago

Hi, you’ve got to sign up by emailing the university

MintyEmeraldSquirrel - 2 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus


AmbitiousJadePanda - 3 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Any feedback/recommendations on SCI1BAD for semester 2?

CalmJadeReindeer - 3 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Hey. I was looking at uni accommodations and saw a few like EMB, NR5, NR7, EP1 and WA. Can’t find these in Latrobe accomodation website. How to apply to these buildings ?

AdorableBrownGoat - 3 months ago

Those either aren’t run by the university or they no longer exist as accommodation options. This app is rather outdated and stuck in 2018/19-ish. The most up to date information is on the website.

BusyMagentaPanda - 4 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Does anyone knows if the student lounge is still on level 2 agora west?

AdorableBrownGoat - 4 months ago

yep, it’s still there

AmbitiousJadePanda - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Anyone is doing BIO1MGC and/or MIC2IWM?

TenaciousHarlequinHorse - 6 months ago

Yeah I have insta

AmbitiousJadePanda - 6 months ago

Do u have any social?(if u dont mind ofc)

AmbitiousJadePanda - 6 months ago

For me this is my second semester (still a first year tho)

TenaciousHarlequinHorse - 6 months ago

I’m doing BIO1MGC and it’s my first year :)

AmbitiousJadePanda - 6 months ago

Is this ur first semester?

ShortAquaOwl - 6 months ago

I’m doing BIO1MGC

AgilePinkBadger - 4 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Hey does anyone know where ED2-102 is? I have a test today and dont want to get lost looking for the room ;-;

CuteIndigoRam - 5 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Commenting for a cute Avi 🥺

JollyGreyDonkey - 5 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Dose anyone know where ED2 (I know that’s education 2) lever one - but I can’t find room 108 - anyone got an idea

GleefulGoldKangaroo - 5 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

I’m so I’m so reborn

CalmYellowPig - 5 months ago

U won the avatar lottery

NoisyGreyLion - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus


ShinyAzurePuppy - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus


BeautifulRedTiger - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

im hungy

QuickIndigoPig - 6 months ago

Same haha

AdorableBrownGoat - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Ok, I’m here to answer some of your questions on buildings that you can’t find:

CourageousMagentaDonkey - 6 months ago

Absolute legend 🩷

AdorableBrownGoat - 6 months ago

see the comment that is 3 above yours

SmallRosePuma - 6 months ago

Do you know where GC-AD-02-203 is? Is that in Glenn college?

AdorableBrownGoat - 6 months ago

People also seem to be struggling to find rooms in ED2, the building is Education 2 and is in the app so you can find it by searching for it. There is lecture theatre in the centre of the big hallway there, either classrooms in the smaller hallways either side of the lecture theatre.

AdorableBrownGoat - 6 months ago

LTSS. This is the LaTrobe Sports Stadium that is out beyond CP1, near where the baseball field used to be. It isn’t in the app because the map hasn’t been updated since 2018.

AdorableBrownGoat - 6 months ago

GC-AD. This is Glenn College Admin, same deal as MC-SW, just search for Glenn College and follow the signs when you get there.

AdorableBrownGoat - 6 months ago

MC-SW. This is Menzies College South Wing, just find Menzies college in the app and follow the signs when you get there.

TamePurpleKoala - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Hey guys where's the Las foyer

ScalyIndigoMouse - 6 months ago


BashfulMaroonCamel - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Pls be a cute avatar 🥹

ScalyIndigoMouse - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus


MintyMaroonLion - 2 years ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

How’s everyone doing ?

CalmYellowPig - 6 months ago

Not good tbh

FastPinkPig - 2 years ago

Pretty good wbu comrade

JollyGreyDonkey - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Dose anyone know where ED-2-107 seminar room 107 - it’s for a philosophy class and I can not find it anywhere

CalmYellowPig - 6 months ago

For ed2 i mean go to the right through the humanities 3 building and keep going str8 till u reach ed2

CalmYellowPig - 6 months ago

Education 2 building. If u walk thru agora to the elt building on the left go right through the education 1 building and keep going untill u get to education 2 and ur room is on the first level just look for signs

CalmYellowPig - 6 months ago

Glenn college for the second one. Level 2. Just follow signs

JollyGreyDonkey - 6 months ago

I also need to figure out where gc-ad-2-212 Vince hairkins room (56) I think it’s glen collage can someone confirm

DaringEmeraldPanda - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus


CraftyHeliotropeBadger - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Can anyone find Ed2 seminar room 102?

BeautifulPurplePuma - 6 months ago

I need the one too😆

JollyGreyDonkey - 6 months ago

Did you find it in the end bc I was trying to find room 102 in the same building

FlashyEmeraldCamel - 6 months ago

Hope you found it❤️

NimbleBrownPenguin - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Anyone doing a psych science degree??

MischievousMikadoDonkey - 6 months ago


CalmYellowPig - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

If u have to ask me for directions its jover

NiceAquaMonkey - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus


DrunkSilverSquirrel - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Anyone doing bachelor of computer science?

QuirkyRedKangaroo - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Who else doing Health sciences??

CuriousSilverBee - 6 months ago

I am

ShyCrimsonBunny - 7 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

is anyone doing a health science diploma?

HangryTealWalrus - 6 months ago

I am also :)

FriendlyHarlequinTiger - 6 months ago

I am too

IcyEmeraldPanda - 6 months ago


ShyCrimsonBunny - 6 months ago

wanna be friends

ShyCrimsonBunny - 7 months ago

do you use socials?

FluffyBrownSnake - 7 months ago

I am :)

BusyCoralCow - 2 years ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

god I hope my avatar isn't a wack ass one

CuddlyGreyBear - 2 years ago


BeautifulCyanBee - 2 years ago

I love it

BusyCoralCow - 2 years ago

you know what, im not angry with it

CalmYellowPig - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus


CalmYellowPig - 6 months ago

I hate it

AdorableSilverParrot - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Bach of science anybody? Drop socials?

AgileRubyFox - 6 months ago

kostas_balabanis insta

AgileRubyFox - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

who doing bio1mgc or phy1sca

AgileRubyFox - 6 months ago

amazing avatar this is great

TamePurpleKoala - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Where's SEMS Computer Lab (30) at, it's not showing up on the maps

IcyEmeraldPanda - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

anyone doing diploma of health science drop ur socials

FriendlyHarlequinTiger - 6 months ago

I am

AmbitiousAmberMonkey - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Hope everyone will have a great time starting uni today, wishing you all the best 😊

NiceGreenCat - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Anyone doing bachelor’s in Animal and Veterinary Bioscience?

CourageousTurqoiseParrot - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Is anyone doing masters in civil engineering?

CourageousMagentaDonkey - 7 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Does anyone know what MC-SW-02-111 Computer lab (39) is, I can’t find it on here

CourageousMagentaDonkey - 6 months ago

Thanks baes I’ll see who’s correct tmrw and give u $5 😍

FurryTealSnail - 6 months ago

Menzies College on Moat Drive. Near the Student Accommodation. SW I think stands for South Wing. You can keep the $5 😂

AmbitiousJadePanda - 6 months ago

Maybe is in Sylvia Walton Building,level 2, room 111?, not 100% sure tho😅

CourageousMagentaDonkey - 6 months ago

Someone tell me where this is I’ll literally give you $5 🫶

CleverRedHorse - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

How can I connect to the wi-Fi?🥲

FriendlyCoralReindeer - 6 months ago

They send you an email about it with your password and uswr

CuriousCoralOwl - 6 months ago

SlowTealCat - 6 months ago

if you find out- lemme know 🤭

AdventurousChartreuseFrog - 7 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

First time studying (Bachelor of Nursing) here in Australia. Any notes?

NakedSapphireRhino - 6 months ago

I do too

FluffyTanGiraffe - 6 months ago

samee !!

JuicyCeriseLadybug - 6 months ago

i’ll be doing that one too!!

DrunkJadeWalrus - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Anyone doing bachelor of business

AmbitiousNavySquirrel - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Hey, does anyone else have a class on Wednesday at 3 that just says "Other location?" Anyoen know where that is?

FierceIndigoBee - 6 months ago

yes help

BrainyAzureFox - 6 months ago

Mine has done the same. Can someone help me

NiceGreenCat - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Any international students for bachelors of animal and veterinary bioscience

SoberNavyPig - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Do I need to pay parking or could I get away with it

AmbitiousAmberMonkey - 6 months ago

You're required to pay. So if you try getting away with it you'll risk getting a fine.

MischievousYellowElephant - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Any one from masters of digital health

BraveMikadoZebra - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

What do the numbers stand for like for example BS2-01-183?

CuriousCoralOwl - 6 months ago

That is the name of the building-floor number-room number

SlowTealCat - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

anyone doing arts/ media and communication?

DangerousSapphireRhino - 7 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Anyone doing bachelor of science??

AmbitiousJadePanda - 6 months ago

There is a meeting that starts from 1-3pm at WLT 2 for anyone who is enrolled in Bachelor of science, feel free to join in!

AmbitiousJadePanda - 6 months ago

Me!, what major? Im majoring in Microbiology.

KindGoldPuma - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Anyone doing master of logistics and supply chain 2024?

PlayfulBronzePenguin - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

guys im so down to be friends with anyone here 🫶🏼

JuicyCeriseLadybug - 6 months ago

i found yours!!

PlayfulBronzePenguin - 6 months ago

im not sure which one is urs bc a lot of accs come up :(

JuicyCeriseLadybug - 6 months ago

@ayafarass on ig:)

PlayfulBronzePenguin - 6 months ago


PlayfulBronzePenguin - 6 months ago

should we do an instagram gc?? whatever you guys have we can make a group from that

PlayfulBronzePenguin - 6 months ago

should we make a gc?

CourageousEmeraldFrog - 6 months ago


PickyNavyBunny - 6 months ago


TameCyanElephant - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Any bachelor of education people???

TenaciousHarlequinHorse - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Anyone doing bachelor of animal and veterinary biosciences?

PickyChartreuseSheep - 6 months ago

Completed the course a 2 yrs ago

IcyLilacPuma - 7 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

So any law students?

CuriousCoralOwl - 6 months ago


MerryPurpleHedgehog - 7 months ago

pls let’s be friends my snap is jadee.luu i don’t have ig sorryy

MerryPurpleHedgehog - 7 months ago


EagerPurpleSquirrel - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

anyone doing a bachelor of archeology?

CleverRedHorse - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Is someone doing Diploma of Bioscience??🙏🏻

PickyNavyBunny - 6 months ago

I am!

PlayfulBronzePenguin - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

whats everyone’s orientation plan on monday???

LaughingYellowOctopus - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Anyone doing event management?!

CourageousEmeraldFrog - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

I need friends

PlayfulBronzePenguin - 6 months ago

me too tho

JuicyCeriseLadybug - 6 months ago

litterally same 😋

CuriousCoralOwl - 6 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Anyone need law notes? I’m selling

NiceTealMouse - 1 year ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Need friends!!!!!!

CleverRedHorse - 6 months ago

What r you study?

JuicyCeriseLadybug - 7 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

anyone doing bachelor of nursing first year?

BusyJadeOwl - 7 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Anyone doing double degree in nursing/midwifery first year??

AmbitiousCoralDuck - 7 months ago

i am!

GleefulGoldKangaroo - 7 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus


GleefulGoldKangaroo - 7 months ago

UTS more like midTS

AgileAmberPanda - 7 months ago

zip it pipsqueak

ProudJadeBuffalo - 7 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Anyone doing Bach of nursing second year entry??

BeautifulGoldBadger - 7 months ago


FastAquaBoar - 7 months ago

I need a friend

FastAquaBoar - 7 months ago

Yes I’m doing

SnazzyMikadoDog - 7 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

This is interesting

DrunkJadeWalrus - 7 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus


NewOrangeCat - 7 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Is anyone doing a health science bachelor ??

WittyGreenPenguin - 7 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Anyone doing an associate degree in teacher education

WittyGreenPenguin - 7 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

I’m actually quite nervous and excited

PlayfulBronzePenguin - 7 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

hii is anyone doing bach in biological sciences??

FamousAquaPanda - 1 year ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

I need friends 🥲

DangerousSapphireRhino - 7 months ago

Can I join😭😭

QuickAmberDeer - 9 months ago

Me too🥲

HangryCyanHamster - 1 year ago

Yeah fr. who making one

CourageousMagentaDonkey - 1 year ago


SmallNavyWolf - 1 year ago

Me too…. Me too

AmbitiousJadePanda - 1 year ago

Same…. 🥲

RoughMagentaKangaroo - 7 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

anyone doing bachelor of cybersecurity and psychology

FluffyCrimsonWalrus - 7 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus


BeautifulPurplePuma - 7 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus


LovingLimeCroc - 7 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Anyone doing SBAVB?

IcyLilacPuma - 7 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus


FluffyHeliotropeHorse - 10 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Anyone for Master of Information Technology Latrobe Summer Semester

QuickAmberDeer - 9 months ago

How can we connect?

QuickAmberDeer - 9 months ago

Yes. I’m also searching people from MICT-summer

FruityGreyBee - 9 months ago


ClumsySilverTiger - 1 year ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

anyone starting education sem 2? 🙃

FluffyChartreuseZebra - 1 year ago

Im starting, anyone wanna be frnd

GrumpyTanSheep - 1 year ago

I am

ViciousYellowDonkey - 1 year ago


CourageousMagentaDonkey - 10 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

does anyone here ACTUALLY have a will to live? 😁🙏

CourageousMagentaDonkey - 10 months ago
On Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

Live laugh love ❤️

AdorableRoseSnake - 10 months ago

Live laugh love Sosa 😫

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