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The latest second hand textbooks at Charles Sturt University...
Authors: Jonathan McConnell, Renata Eyres, Julie Nightingale
7 years agoAuthors: Anthony Chan
7 years agoAuthors: Julia Lobur
7 years agoAuthors: Paul Davidson, David Poole, Peter Woods, Alan Simon, Ellen McBarron
7 years agoAuthors: Null & Lobur
7 years agoAuthors: C. Merle Crawford, C. Anthony Di Benedetto
7 years agoAuthors: Robin Woellner, Stephen Barkoczy, Shirley Murphy, Chris Evans, Dale Pinto
7 years agoAuthors: Catherine Hungerford, Richard Clancy, Donna Hodgson, Tony Jones
7 years agoAuthors: Yue-Ling Wong
7 years agoAuthors: Williams Robin
8 years agoAuthors: Greg Elliott, Sharyn Rundle-Thiele, David S. Waller
8 years agoAuthors: Jacqueline Birt, Keryn Chalmers, Suzanne Byrne, Suzanne Maloney, Albie Brooks, Judy Oliver
8 years agoCSU textbooks by subject area: