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The latest second hand textbooks at Charles Sturt University...
Authors: Patricia Staunton, Mary Chiarella
1 year agoAuthors: Diana Guzys, Rhonda Brown, Elizabeth Halcomb, Dean Whitehead
1 year agoAuthors: Elizabeth Watt, Helen Forbes
1 year agoAuthors: William H. Shaw, Vincent E. Barry, Theodora Issa, Bevan Catley, Donata Muntean
1 year agoAuthors: Allan & Robinson Layton (Tim & Tucker, Irvin B.)
1 year agoAuthors: Bonnie L. Tensen, Carol M Lehman, Deborah Daniel DuFrene, Mary Ellen Guffey, Dana Loewy
1 year agoAuthors: George Rupert Palmer, Stephanie Doris Short
1 year agoAuthors: Pinel & Edwards
1 year agoAuthors: Rod Seeley, Cinnamon VanPutte, Andrew Russo, Jennifer Regan
2 years agoAuthors: Ronald Jay Cohen, Mark Swerdlik
2 years agoAuthors: Goerke, Veronica
2 years agoAuthors: Harris
2 years agoCSU textbooks by subject area: