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Authors: Neil Evans Harrison, Juanita Sellwood
11 months agoAuthors: Farmer, Sue
11 months agoAuthors: Janet Fellowes, Grace Oakley
11 months agoAuthors: Manjula Waniganayake, Sandra Cheeseman, Marianne Fenech, Wendy Shepherd
11 months agoAuthors: George Williams, Sean Brennan, Andrew Lynch
11 months agoAuthors: Penelope Serow, Rosemary Callingham, Tracey Muir
11 months agoAuthors: Brown & Armstrong:Activbook, Adam Kotler
1 year agoAuthors: Phil Hancock, Peter Robinson, Michael E. Bazley, Mike Bazley
1 year agoAuthors: Douglas McTaggart, Christopher Findlay, Michael Parkin, David E. Spencer
1 year agoAuthors: Stephen P. Robbins, David A. DeCenzo, Mary Coulter, Megan Woods
1 year agoAuthors: Allan Layton, Tim Robinson, Tommy Tang, Dinusha Dharmaratna, Irvin Tucker
1 year agoAuthors: Joe F. Hair, Carl McDaniel, Jane Summers, Michael Gardiner
1 year agoCSU textbooks by subject area: