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Authors: Robin Woellner, Stephen Barkoczy, Shirley Murphy, Chris Evans, Dale Pinto
4 months agoAuthors: Butler, D
4 months agoAuthors: Andrew Mitchell, Jennifer Beard, Richard Garnett
4 months agoAuthors: Lisa Young, Adiva Sifris, Robyn Carroll, Geoff Monahan
4 months agoAuthors: Kang-Tsung Chang
4 months agoAuthors: Ilias Papathanasiou, Patrick Coppens
4 months agoAuthors: Susan Moon Meyer
4 months agoAuthors: Richard Apperly, Robert Irving, Peter L. Reynolds
4 months agoAuthors: Jandt, Fred
4 months agoAuthors: Meredith Walker, Peter Marquis-Kyle
4 months agoAuthors: Shirley Carlon
4 months agoAuthors: Allan Layton, Tim Robinson, Irvin Tucker
4 months agoAuthors: Suzanne C. De Janasz, Joanna Crossman, Nadine Campbell, Mary Powers
4 months agoAuthors: Craig Deegan
4 months agoAuthors: Charles W. Lamb, Joseph F. Hair, Jr, Carl McDaniel, Jr., Jane Summers, Michael Gardiner
4 months agoCSU textbooks by subject area: