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Current social work student with expected graduation mid-2025 and ready to tutor other students I a...
No longer an online exam for this subject. A totally absent lecturer who marks in a unique and harsh manner. The learning activities are very relevant to the first two them if you can! Difficult subject, even for sociology.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018
Great subject. No textbook and lots of material online. Online test was really stressful but not as difficult as first thought. Just make sure to make notes after each lecture to flick through for the online test. And have the references done already on a word document so you can just copy and paste for the exam rather than having to spend time to do this. I didn't do much reading past the lectures and a few extra's for the essay so not as much reading as others said. Overall was a good subject.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015
I've decided that I really enjoy sociology, however it was definitely AFTER this subject. "Full-on" is an understatement. There are gazillions of readings, no textbook, a largely absent lecturer (an experience repeated in subsequent sessions, I understand) and its really_freaking_hard to get your head around it all. Tip: aim for high marks in the first short essay and exam...and give yourself a breather in the final essay. It's much better to go into the final (long) essay only needing a few marks to pass the subject, than to have to stress about synthesizing everything you've read and somehow making it sound like you know what you're on about! On reflection though...I learned a lot, and found the readings and concepts really interesting!
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2013
Great subject, full on though. Stay ontop of readings!
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2012
I enjoyed this subject, was full on. Keep up with the readings (there are a lot of them) as no text book is required. The online exam is relatively hard (I found the multiple choice questions 'tricky', however I found the short essay questions a breeze). It is open book, but you will not have time to flick through readings/notes...Good idea to have the referencing already done and saved on word for the short essay questions, so you can copy and paste, not wasting precious exam time.