• 280 CDU Law textbooks
  • 1 CDU Law tutor
  • 87 CDU Law ratings and reviews

Latest activity on Law subjects at Charles Darwin Uni....


The teaching standard was woeful. I can only describe it as a dog's breakfast. This was the worst I'...

8 years ago


Interesting but disorganised, albeit through extraneous circumstances.

9 years ago


The subject is obscure and quite difficult. However, it is as well taught as any subject at CDU, and...

9 years ago


The subject is dry and the tutor somewhat disorganised. However, the content of the unit is clear. T...

9 years ago


Many complaints in contract law arose around the textbook being the source of all lecture notes. Thi...

9 years ago


It is interesting how many people I heard complaining about this subject during the semester. Some o...

9 years ago


An excellent introduction to Law studies. LWZ100A is well taught, and encourages active participati...

10 years ago


The subject is well-taught and encourages active student participation. Pak Nathan is passionate abo...

10 years ago

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