Abnormal Psychology
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PSYC212 notes are broken down into week by week topic. Includes tables, graphs, diagrams and equatio...
55 pages, 15404 words
Become a tutor for PSYC212Avnee
$145 per hour
Hi, I’m Avnee! Graduated Master of Clinical Psychology (2018), Bachelor of Psychology Honours Cla...
$40 per hour
Hi there, I'm Tom: • Bachelor of Psychological Science w Honours graduate with a HD average...
This is when it starts getting more interesting!
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
Best unit!! The tutors and lecturers are amazing and so engaging. The assignments are fairly straight forward and I found that I was not as stressed studying this unit and actually enjoyed it.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019
An amazing unit, there is a movie to watch every week; The movies relate back to the week's chapter. By watching the movies you will get a better understanding of what people who are diagnosed with whatever disorder as going through and the decider's symptoms. The text books is an amazing resource use it! As sometimes due to the timeframe of a lecture the lecturer will not cover everything that has been mentioned in the chapter, therefore by reading the chapter you will be ahead of many.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015
This is a really fun, engaging, interesting subject with great tutors/lecturers. The assessment tasks are fair and accurately measure the content. Lots of fun! My favourite subject.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015
This was my favourite subject in the whole degree. The exams are challenging if you don't keep up with the readings, as there is a lot of information on a lot of mental disorders. Knowing the DSM-5 well will help a lot. The assignments are practical and applicable to clinical psychology, and the text book is an interesting read.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2014
This is a good subject. You get to watch a lot of movies. The exam is a bit hard though. The tutorials always discuss the important stuff from the lecture and give you good insight into what might be on the exam