Motor Learning and Control


For sale by Nicole for $60

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Probably not most people's favorite subject because it doesn't really focus on exercise as such, more the very foundations of motor control, looking at the processes/ ways to facilitate learning and development of schemas/ brain plans for movement. I think it's an important subject to have in the overall course but content can be a bit dry as most people enrolled in the course are probably more interested in sport/ exercise. I think the lecture did their best trying to make it engaging but only so much you can do when it was held over zoom (I did this unit during COVID). My number #1 tip for this unit is to get the required text and read it.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020

Best course, there is quite a bit of content but it is all necessary to ensure you have a knowledge base of everything. worth it to look back on everything you learnt and that it all interrelates and to really understand it all you need to put in the effort to revise all content. Michaela Bruton was fantastic teaching it!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016