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  • 1,592 UWA Science ratings and reviews

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I loved this unit! The teacher was lovely and gave heaps of advice, and would even stay back a littl...

5 years ago


This is a fair unit that is possible to HD. Lecture content can be quite heavy and difficult, but th...

5 years ago


Favourite science unit of my degree so far. Interesting content, but very heavy and will need a lot...

5 years ago


If you're the person who will put an effort in the unit, and expecting an HD. For people who need a...

5 years ago


Changing from live lectures to online lectures was a joke! As international students, we paid $5,000...

5 years ago


The unit content is really good. The course is well structured. The assessments are absolute garbage...

5 years ago


If you've never done any French before you really have to do a lot of self-study. They go through co...

5 years ago


This unit is amazing if you’re interested in drugs or medicine in general. The content is fairly bro...

5 years ago


Reading past reviews I thought it'd be a lot easier than it was. There is a lot of content to rememb...

5 years ago


A very easy unit with minimal effort required to achieve a good grade. Only one lecture and one tuto...

5 years ago


Do not take this unit it has been changed from previous years. It is no longer open book and the con...

5 years ago


Anyone considering this unit needs to be aware it has been changed drastically in 2018. It is no lon...

5 years ago


Workload: 3/5 Exam workload: 1/5 CA:5/5 Overall assessment:3/5 Continuous Assessment: 8 pre-la...

5 years ago


This unit is relatively hard. It is content heavy with 3 lectures a week. If you fall behind it is r...

5 years ago


This is a great unit. Extremely well organised with some of the best co-ordinators I've ever experie...

5 years ago


Basically the same as MUSC1981 but you do an analysis project. The requirements and structure to ma...

5 years ago


The lecturers did not seem interested in the content they were talking about, and the assignment was...

5 years ago


A very enjoyable unit, however be aware of the 30-40 minute group presentation, in which you aren't...

5 years ago


Loved it! A more behavioural/ less scientific approach than PSYC1101. Take the majority of your note...

5 years ago


One of the best courses so far for my degree best lecturer ever. Assignments are pretty chill as wel...

5 years ago


Lots of content to memorise and learn in a short amount of time, so you end up rote learning it. An...

5 years ago


This unit requires a lot more time spent on it than you would think. You need to be up to date with...

5 years ago


This was a highly enjoyable and easy unit. The lectures were very engaging, and displayed a wide var...

5 years ago


This was a highly enjoyable unit in all regards. The lectures were easy to follow, and interesting e...

5 years ago

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