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"A Sight Seeing Tour Through The Field Of Statistics" Ultimately this unit boils down to "what the hell am I looking at?" Labs were an absolute mess, with question sheets poorly formatted, lecture notes scattered throughout the unit's LMS page. I pressed Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V more times than I could count in an effort to make the notes legible in some way. On top of the mess that was navigating the course material, the material itself felt taught out of order, with content vital for the early stages not taught or mentioned until the late stages of the unit.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2023

Do NOT take this unit if this isn't your core unit, Dr Darfiana is much different from the past lecturer, she basically doesn't care much about the STAT1400 unit and mostly focuses on the STAT3064 unit. Her lectures do not teach any coding and all the coding for R you learn in labs which are just basically copy paste notes from last UC's stuff. Labs are basically 'if you don't know what you're doing, have fun' she posts solutions for the first few labs but after she started posting partial solutions, at least then she had videos to help but starting from week 9, which is where most of the unit gets harder she doesn't even post any videos anymore. It is one of the most frustrating things as even in Quiz 4 (last quiz) it is a completely different level of difficulty from the others. Don't get me wrong, you can tell Dr Darfiana is passionate about statistics, just not this unit. I understand this is her first semester teaching but it is absolutely horrible to study for someone who wanted to test out statistics. Apart from that she also suddenly changes how she gives out the slides from pdf (where we can use in goodnotes) to html all of the sudden so you can't even use goodnotes with it anymore. There is NO REASON why she would suddenly do this other than she got lazy with making slides and started using the old UC's notes again. The review before this said 'test are basically free marks' that is not the case anymore

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2023

Well organised unit, labs were pretty chill but learning R and setting up the software was a bit of a challenge. The tests are literally free marks if you do the lectures. Easy HD if you put in the work.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022

The content is very easy for this unit. However, the weekly labs are quite difficult as we need to do coding with R. My suggestion is attend the lab every week as it is a good place to look for help in doing your lab. Exam is very easy and the questions are very basic.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021

Adriano is a great lecturer, really positive and feels like he cares. Software setup was problematic, especially during covid if you needed to relocate. Good unit structure and fair labs/assignments. Assignments reflected lecture content well. Good unit to begin learning about statistics.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022

The hardest part of the unit was to set up the necessary tools. They did provide very detailed instructions on how to set up VM but using Anaconda was just easier for me. You don't need any prior experience in R or programming in general. Just keep on top of the labs and make the best out of the online support sessions (each tutor has a slightly different way to explain things so I recommend trying different sessions and see which one clicks for you). The final exam was actually very easy if you watch the lectures and the lectures are uploaded on time. Funny thing though, the unit can be more organised and there will be some issues. if you don't understand things or the grading is incorrect or there are some other errors, just tell the tutor if you're in a support session or send the UC one single email and give him some business days. Don't panic right away and send him multiple emails because then he will panic with you.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

not as bad as i thought it would be, just keep on top of the labs as they do get quite hard and are worth 60%. Make sure to attend the support sessions for help I found them super useful. Unit could be better organised though

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

The unit had some technical issues getting started but the content was easy to understand and well paced. I liked the assessment structure as doing weekly lab assessments made it easy to get a good mark overall just by keeping up with content.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020

In terms of content, this unit covers very basic statistics but the good thing is that they teach it through R meaning what you learn is practical with the reality of today's world. I haven't used R before taking this course and had no programming experience, but it was really easy as long as you do the course and the labs properly and there were many lab support sessions each week with great lab demonstrators. Before taking this unit I read the reviews here and they were very negative and made me very much worried but this sem this unit was fine. Of course with better course organization they could even do better and fit more content in this course but overall a good intro stat unit.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020

This unit is an absolute nightmare, the other reviewers are not understating things. This unit is so bad that the unit coordinator didn't even upload a SPOT or SURF survey; clearly he wants to bury his head in the sand. There is little to no support for the labs and you are expected to struggle through them without being taught how to use R. I don't even know what to say about the lectures, beyond that they were incredibly confusing and some of them were uploaded WEEKS late with no explanation. I did this unit in the last sem of my degree (took a semester off in 2nd year), so I've done an entire undergrad degree and can confirm this is unlike any other unit I've ever taken - I honestly don't even have words. This includes 2nd and 3rd year statistics units that were a breeze in comparison, despite having more challenging content. I can confirm that these issues are NOT covid/online learning related - it was clear very early on that there were serious issues with the unit and the way things were organised/run. Advice for people who have no choice but to take this awful unit: 1. Learn R early on - you'll have to teach yourself, but take the time to find another online resource to learn the basics. It will save you so, so, so much time later on. 2. Write a brief TLDR of the content of each lecture as you watch them. Otherwise, at the end of sem you'll be left wondering what the fuck you've actually learned all semester, aside from how to give yourself a migraine over R. 3. Try to find other people taking the unit so you can work through the labs together. It'll be a saving grace. 4. Good luck getting a reply to any email etc, it's probably more help to ask a tutor in your lab. Honestly if this is a complementary unit like it was for me, good fucking luck lol.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020