Chemistry—Structure and Reactivity
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- All topics covered in the unit are covered in my notes. - All textbook readings from Chemistry: H...
135 pages, 18106 words
CHEM1002 Notes
-169 pages of detailed notes summarised into my own words from the textbook chapters and lectures co...
169 pages, 23048 words
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3 lectures and a workshop each week, which is quite a bit. You can score very high on each of the weekly quizzes if you take good notes and do the practice quizzes. There are 6 3-hour labs. Some of these labs were very intense and time-pressured. Your performance in the labs are graded, so prepare beforehand (read lab manual, make sure you understand what will happen). The exam has some similar questions to the practice exams, so the practice exams are worth doing. However, no answers are provided for the practice exams, making the exam revision pretty tedious. Overall, its not the worst unit, but only take it if you have to
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2023
this unit was interesting but overall not worth it. the exam pretty much requires a bunch of memorization and very little actual understanding of the mechanism and reactions. the labs were stressful at times but very fun and i got close with my class by the end of the sem. wouldn't recommend taking this unit unless you need to.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023
Unit is interesting for the first few weeks, but then they introduce a ton of mechanisms and reactions which you are expected to remember. Very content heavy with 3 lectures per week on and probably 45 minutes for every lecture. The exam mainly focused on the mechanisms though so that's a plus. Would not recommend this rigorous unit unless you need it.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020
Interesting unit that focuses mainly on organic chemistry and mechanisms. The lectures were extremely content heavy with quite a bit of superfluous information. The associate lecturer was phenomenal. He was very attentive and helpful in tutorials and lectures. The UC gave occasional live lectures and tutorials on BB collaborate with many not being recorded/missing. A lot of time in lectures was spent explaining practical applications and real life scenarios that wasn't assessed. He was very dismissive and tried to motivate on negative reinforcement. Fortunately, he was excellent at explaining the mechanisms and drawing them out. The last 2 lecturers had minimal content and concentrated on biochemistry and transition metals. Their lectures were pretty good, but a bit lengthy. Assessments consisted of weekly quizzes, lab specimens and lab quizzes. The weekly quizzes and lab quizzes were pretty straight-forward, however, the labs required a lot of preparation and insanely good time management skills. The exam was mainly on mechanisms and wasn't too bad. Please only do this unit if it is a prerequisite and you are warned if you want to do it as an elective.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020
The teachers are enthusiastic and don't seem to mind you asking questions but as with all chem units at uwa for some reason they won't give you answers to previous exams. This means studying is a PAIN. I suggest attending workshops, any help setions etc. cuz you won't know if what you're doing is right loll
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021
If you're doing this unit, focus on understanding the mechanisms and don't leave until the last weeks to catch up cuz it'll be super stressful. I caught up with the lectures every week but even that was not enough to make it an easy unit :')
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021
a lot of content and i found that despite the content of the carbohydrate lectures alright, the lecturer (Alice) was very boring and went overtime on all her lectures. Throughout the unit there were a lot of recording difficulties like the lecture wasn't recorded or the boardwork was recorded..etc (just saying none of my other units had any of these problems, sooo). The labs were kinda stressful but very very doable if you prepare properly. Also you need to pay attention to the Sn1, Sn1, E1 & E2 mechanisms because they make up a lot of the exam.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020
Really interesting unit with great lecturers, however, definitely a lot of content to get through so it's really important to stay up to date. The text book is quite helpful with practice questions and some brief model answers, so if you struggle with chemistry in general then it's definitely a worthwhile purchase.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020
I found the unit interesting, but the workload and stress throughout it were quite high. As long as you keep up with it all, you will find it quite rewarding.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019
A challenging but rewarding unit. I find it quite HDable as long as you are willing to work har and keep up with the workload. You will find the final exam fairly straightforward as you will be given practice exams that are very similar in content and structure to the final exam.